3 December 2007 – Family Integrity #322 — U4L; November Review & Upcoming Events
—–Original Message—–
From: Craig Hill [mailto:craighill@maxnet.co.nz]
Sent: Monday, December 03, 2007 10:57 AM
To: Craig
Subject: U4L; November Review
Hi All,
A quick review of The Great New Zealand Table Challenge.
November started a little slow but then came home with a rush, the last two weeks tallied at 13,400 which gives us a recorded total for the month at 16,383. This total does not include others who are not on our list and those folk who have taken cards for family and friends to sign.
My November estimate tallies over 20,000 signatures. Not bad.
Can the South Island get blood out of a stone? Answer YES.
Here it is. Well done, you’re leading the way. Per capita you must be well in front, congratulations from the North. Enough said, that hurt so let’s move on.
The change in comments from around the country have been very encouraging, many of these are now “We can do this, We are now in the home straight and It’s only 65,000 to go“. We still need to place our hands to the plow, the difference is that we now know the grand total is achievable.
I give a big thankyou to all who have helped through the month of November, it is your efforts that make writing this email such a pleasure.
From a very humbled servant,
Craig Hill
All that is necessary for evil to succeed is for good men to do nothing” (Edmund Burke 1729-1797)
Upcoming Events
Hi All,
Announcement, Check out our new signature thermometer here http://www.unityforliberty.net.nz/.
Action Alert for the Week.
Auckland (Please let me know of your availability, helps with planning, times to be confirmed)
Wednesday Night – Old Papatoetoe Christmas Parade
Thursday Night – Mangere Christmas Parade
Friaday Night – Papakura Carols in the Park
– Pukekohe Christmas Parade
Saturday -Te Kawahata A&P Show
– Christmas in the Park (AUCKLAND)
– Papakura Christmas Parade
– Papakura Movie in the Park
– Manurewa Christmas in the Park
Contact Craig on 021746113 or craig@unityforliberty.net.nz
Gore with Daniel tomorrow,
Lawrence Thusday
Dunedin Friday or Saturday in the Mall.
contact Natalie catlins@unityforliberty.net.nz
More events for this weekend with be coming out soon.
Future initiative,
Unity for Liberty will be releasing a click it, sign it, send it email. When you receive it please forward to others.
All that is necessary for evil to succeed is for good men to do nothing” (Edmund Burke 1729-1797)