CIR Update no 20-Attachment No 1

Press Release   30 January 2008

Kiwi Party

“Bradford should welcome Referendum”

Petition organiser Larry Baldock announced today that after a successful weekend of signature gathering the total for the petition to hold a referendum has now reached over 280,000. I think we can pretty much dismiss any doubts that a referendum will be held,  he said.

Sue Bradford has repeatly claimed recently that the majority of New Zealander’s now support her law change. If she really believed her own spin, she would have no cause for concern about the referendum would she?

She has repeatedly claimed the petition has been inspired by religious fanatics and fundamentaists. These are tactics both she and the PM have resorted to describe anyone who opposes their social engineering agenda.

It is utter nonsense, and insulting to the hundreds who have signed up to help and the tens of thousands who have signed the petition to suggest that they are all religious extremists. If Sue Bradford would have the courage to spend just one day out with us on one of our collection tables she would fairly rapidly be able to adjust her delusional views concerning the popularity of her bill.

Bob McCoskrie from Family First has been singled out often for the focus of their attacks. The truth is that the petitions are not organised by Family First or Bob McCoskrie. When I conceived of the idea to initiate the petitions for the referenda and Sheryl Savill and I decided to lodge our applications with the Clerk of the House, I sought the support of a number of organisiations in the planning and launcing of the campaign. These organisations and individuals included Tim Sisarich and Focus on the Family, Christine Rankin and For the Sake of our Children Trust, Bob McCoskrie from Family First, Garth McVicar and the Sensible Sentencing Trust as well as a wide range of Church Leaders and other community based organisations. About 5 months ago Craig Hill began an organisation called Unity for Liberty with the purpose of assisting in collecting signatures to achieve the referendum and has launched several successful campaigns to mobilise volunteers. More recently Muriel Newman has promoted the petitions on her website and urged her readers to get involved in her NZCPR weekly newsletter.

What Sue Bradford and the PM can be assured of is that there will be a referendum. 



Larry Baldock


Kiwi Party



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