27 February – Family Integrity #354 — U4L; Congratulations
From: C Hill [mailto:chill-family@maxnet.co.nz]
Sent: Tuesday, February 26, 2008 9:15 PM
Subject: U4L; Congratulations
Hi All,
Yes, it was great news at last weeks press conference. The numbers are coming home well.
This week we will be updating the thermometer nightly, lets see if we can reach 330,000. Tonights total being 325,500
South Auckland will still be running Thursday tables and Monday night door knocking in Papakura/Manurewa, there will also be a small team door knocking in Pukekohe early next week. Contact gaylene@unityforliberty.net.nz or 021 076 7211
Will post other activities later in the week.
Some results over the weekend were Wellington with 220, Christchurch with 300 and we have 600 going tomorrow.
Congratulations folk, you have all earned it.
Well Done,
Craig Hill
All that is necessary for evil to succeed is for good men to do nothing” (Edmund Burke 1729-1797)