FI-361-CIR Update no 23

8 March 2008 Family Integrity #361 — CIR Update no 23

—–Original Message—–
From: Larry Baldock []
Sent: Saturday, March 08, 2008 8:29 AM
To: CIRPetition
Subject: CIR Update no 23

Hi Everyone. Feb 29th was a great day.

26 boxes delivered with over 600,000 signatures representing more than 12 months work. Now the counting and checking begins and we must wait patiently for the final results.

If you are interested in viewing the delivery click on the link below.

For 100kbps download

For 256kbps download

My sincere thanks to everyone who has made it possible and contributed to getting us this far in our goal of forcing two referenda.

Please accept my apologies for taking a week to get this update out. I hope this will be the last that I have to send in blocks of 50 to avoid being blocked as spam. We are about to switch over to a new data base system which will make things a lot easier and more efficient.

Where to from here!

I estimate we need about another 20-30,000 of Sheryl Savill’s petition to ensure we complete that one.

Congratulations to Stephen’s team in Napier who collected 2800 signatures at the Mission Estate Winery concert March 1st.

That shows us that people are still very keen to sign and that they understand it isn’t over yet!

If we continue to collect through to mid-April we will complete our task on the first petition with no problem.

My concern now is in completing the second petition.

We have about 40-50 thousand less signatures for that referendum. In most cases the best way to collect for the second petition is to collect both at the same time so as we collect another 20-30,000 on the first we will have half what we need on the second. But there may be some places and in some organisations where it is better just to send my petition as it is less controversial.

Even Sue Bradford and Cindy Kiro should be willing to sign my petition!

I will attach (larrys-petition-intro.doc and the previous post) some information that explains the purpose of the second petition and hope it will be encourage you to press on in this endeavour.

Barbara and I will be in Kumeu this Sunday, then at Field days in Fielding Thursday – Friday and the Dragon Boat Races in Wellington in the weekend. There are still plenty of opportunities for collecting while the weather is warm and daylight saving lasts.

Every Super 14 game presents an opportunity, and Easter events will be a great place to collect.

Warm regards,

Larry Baldock