FI-366-CIR Update no. 25

11 April 2008 Family Integrity #366 — CIR Update no. 25

Forwarded to Family Integrity members by Craig Smith for your information.

Craig Smith

—–Original Message—–

From: Larry Baldock []

CIR Update no. 25

April 11,2008

Hi Everyone,Once again we awaken to the news of another family affected by the Anti-Smacking law. I have attached my press release for your information.They said no good parents would be prosecuted!
Now I expect they will say, we actually meant no good parents would be sent to prison.

Trust me; they will never admit they were wrong! That is why you and I must do something about it.

Yes I know many of you are tired of this whole thing, we are as well, and we wish it was already all over and we could get on with our lives again.

If you saw the William Wilberforce movie ‘Amazing Grace’ you will remember the length of their struggle. Barbara and I have been showing the film to various groups this week so its message is again fresh in our minds.
I was informed by the Clerks this week that the final result of the audit process of Sheryl’s petition will probably be given in the last week of this month.

So we must keep on collecting to ensure we will have enough for her petition and to achieve the required number on mine. Currently we are approaching the 280,000 mark for the second petition. That means we will have enough (285,000) to hand them in again on May 14th.
The question will be, will we have enough to survive the audit process?
There will be no further extension of time beyond May 14th for my Petition.

One major event we want to target is next weekend April 19-21 with the V8 Super Cars in Hamilton.
We would love to have your company. We have permission to set up tables around the perimeter and with an expected crowd of 150,000 there will be plenty willing to sign. I am hoping for 10 tables to be manned.

Please let me know if you can join us to help in Hamilton.

Warm regards,




Larry Baldock
Party Leader
Phone: 021 86 4833

The Kiwi Party
PO Box 9228
Tauranga 3122
New Zealand
Ph: 07-543-0601