FI-380-For Canterbury readers – Collecting Signatures: 6 weeks to go!

15 May 2008 Family Integrity #380 –For Canterbury readers – Collecting Signatures: 6 weeks to go!

—–Original Message—–
From: Andy Moore []
Sent: Wednesday, 14 May 2008 11:52 p.m.
Subject: Collecting Signatures: 6 weeks to go!

Hi all,

Time to get revved up again for another six weeks of collecting signatures for the petition asking…
“should a smack as a part of good parental correction be a criminal offence in New Zealand?”
…as we approach our target number of 380,000 signatures. (updated signature count here)

Please note Sunday 1 June in your diaries. The SBS Marathon is held on Sunday, and we are going to run at least five tables at various locations, as there will be thousands of spectators keen to sign our petition. More details on this closer to the date.

This Saturday, 17 May, we are going to kick off the Saturday Tables again. Please get back to me asap if you are able to help out this Saturday. We will be running tables at the Netball Courts in Hagley Park (we can have as many as four tables here), and at the corner of Cashel St and Colombo St (up to 3 tables around this location). With a group of 15 of us, I am convinced that we can pull in 1,000 signatures on this Saturday alone. With six weeks to go, and 30,000 signatures to collect, it is absolutely crucial that the Christchurch Team gets into action to help bring this baby home.

The Great Signature Challenge. From today (14 May) until when the signatures for the petition are delivered to Parliament (before 29 June), the team to collect the most signatures in one go (for instance, at an event) will take home the prize. Sources tell me that this prize will be pretty darn good. It goes without saying that we cannot allow Auckland to beat us, so we need some blood, sweat and tears out of the Christchurch Team! 😉

Unity for Liberty. You are encouraged to visit the Unity for Liberty website, and register to recieve email updates.

Please pass this email on to your contacts in Christchurch.

I can’t repeat this enough… All that is necessary for evil to succeed is for good men to do nothing” (Edmund Burke 1729-1797)

Kind Regards,
Andy Moore – ChCh Coordinator, Unity for Liberty | phone: 021 1140 751