FI393-U4L: Auckland Push Continues

10 June 2008 – Family Integrity #393 — U4L: Auckland Push Continues
—–Original Message—–
From: Craig Hill []
Sent: Tuesday, June 10, 2008 9:24 AM
Subject: U4L: Auckland Push Continues

Hi All,

The Auckland push continues, this week’s main features will include WWE Smackdown and the All Blacks test against England. Many hands make light work.

WWE Smackdown:

Date, Wednesday 11 June
Location, Vector Arena
Time, The event starts at 7:30 pm, we intend to start at about 6:00 pm, should start becoming busy from 6:30 pm
Attendance, seats 12,000

All Blacks vs England

Date, Saturday 14 June
Location Eden Park
Time Kick off 7:35pm

We intend to start setting up about 5:00 pm, the rush will probably start at about 6:30 pm. Given the locality of Eden Park the more folk we have on deck the more signatures

You can contact me on 021746113 or email

Apologies to those who used the email contact last week, there was a glitch and not all communications were received, this problem has been rectified.

Craig Hill
021 746 113

All that is necessary for evil to succeed is for good men to do nothing (Edmund Burke 1728-1797)