FI412-U4L; A Big Thanks to All

25 June 2008 Family Integrity #412 — U4L; A Big Thanks to All

Forwarded for your information.
Craig Smith
Family Integrity
—–Original Message—–
From: Craig Hill []
Sent: Wednesday, June 25, 2008 4:08 PM
Subject: U4L; A Big Thanks to All

Hi All,

390,000 thousand plus signatures.

A huge thanks to all who have helped, whether you have collected thousands or just a few I wish to take this moment to thank you all.

The most encouragement I receive is when I hear about those folk who have collected quietly. One chap who hoped to help at the warriors match and couldn’t went and collected at his workplace. It was always the intention of Unity for Liberty not to have a membership where any participation becomes a burden, but rather, all voluntary efforts should be rewarding and enjoyable. Thank you.

I wish I could conclude with the words “Yes, the war is won”.

Unfortunately, the referendum is only just a battle of many more to come. I encourage you all use your votes well and to be very cautious when considering the words of our political leaders.

For example, John Key may well be flying the flag of democracy at present, unfortunately flying the flag and listening to the voice of the people are two different actions. When push comes to shove John Key, like other leaders, will probably use the option of the law review to avoid any responsibility.

The problem with the law review, Given the abuse of our democracy to date over this issue by our political leaders, I am of the belief that the script for this law review has already been drafted, the law review will be just a rubber stamping process.

We need to remain vigilant.

Unity for Liberty is currently formulating a proposal with others to raise awareness on another issue, if this plan is successful we will be pleased to release more information at that time.


Thank you for all your efforts,
Craig Hill
021 746 113

All that is necessary for evil to succeed is for good men to do nothing (Edmund Burke 1728-1797)


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