Hi Everyone,
Kiwi Party leader and organiser of the petition for a referendum on the anti-smacking law Larry Baldock says there is plenty of time to hold the referendum at this years election.
“Claims by the Prime Minister reported in the Herald today that there is not enough time to get things organised are ridiculous,” said Mr Baldock.
The confirmation of the success of the petition must be given by the Clerk of the House no later than August 23rd.
“You can’t tell me that it will take more than 2 months to organise one simple question to be added to the ballot paper,” said Mr Baldock.
“If the Labour party’s fortunes were to suddenly improve in the polls the Prime Minister would have no qualms whatsoever in calling an early election and she would have everyone pulling out all the stops to get this organised on time,” he said.
Larry Baldock
Party Leader
Phone: 021 86 4833
Email: l.baldock@xtra.co.nz
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