From: Larry Baldock []
Sent: Wednesday, June 11, 2008 9:29 AM
Subject: This weeks signature activity
Hi everyone, this is the last week. All petitions will need to be mailed by next Monday.
Running total as of today from the mailbox is 364,373
Some information re collection plans this week
The Auckland push continues, this week’s main features will include WWE Smackdown and the All Blacks test against England. Many hands make light work.
WWE Smackdown:
Date, Wednesday 11th June
Location, Vector Arena
Time, The event starts at 7:30 pm, we intend to start at about 6:00 pm, should start becoming busy from 6:30 pm
Attendance, seats 12,000
All Blacks vs England
Date, Saturday 14th June
Location Eden Park
Time Kick off 7:35pm
We intend to start setting up about 5:00 pm, the rush will probably start at about 6:30 pm. Given the locality of Eden Park the more folk we have on deck the more signatures
You can contact Craig on 021746113 or email
For Field Days at Mystery Creek
We plan to go over today, Wednesday, to get set up for Thursday through to Sat. We will set up a base in the farmers paddock opposite Gate 2. You will see our Kiwi Party Camper van in the paddock.
We will mostly be carrying clip boards and getting people to sign up when they are in queues or arriving and leaving from the car parks. We may have a table set up in one of the marquees where some one had offered us some space to share, but we have to check that out when we get there.
Contact me on 021864833 or email me with what days you are available.
Larry Baldock
Party Leader
Phone: 021 86 4833