FI-329-Unity for Liberty: collecting signatures

21 December 2007 – Family Integrity #329 — Unity for Liberty: collecting signatures

—–Original Message—–
From: Andy Moore []
Sent: Friday, December 21, 2007 9:06 AM
Subject: Re: Unity for Liberty: collecting signatures
Hi everyone,

Just a quick update (and call for volunteers) for the team in Christchurch. (Auckland & Otago people, I’m forwarding this on to you also to keep you in the loop ๐Ÿ™‚

We’re getting closer to having 250,000 signatures, a jump from 236,100 signatures which was how many we had when I sent out the last email. (See the “signature thermometer” on the Unity for Liberty website for the most recent count). We here in Christchurch however, can take little or no credit for these impressive numbers, as there is not much effort being made in Christchurch.

One fantastic young woman came along for the first time last Saturday, and with my dad and I, pulled in 301 signatures. Thanks Erica!

Anyway… ๐Ÿ™‚ would be fantastic to see you there this Saturday, 22 December. It’s Dad’s birthday, but he won’t take the day off, because there’s no-one else to help out. Just give me a buzz on 021 1140 751, 03 357 4599 or and we will get moving!

This Saturday – lets go from about 9:30am til 2:30pm, with people most welcome to stay later if they like, but the best time is around the lunch-hour, when the city really gets bustling. I’ve got 3 tables, plenty of signs, plenty of petition boards and pens. We just need you guys now, so get back to me asap, as I need to book a couple of spots with the City Council.

Please make sure to forward this on to anyone else you think may be interested.

A quick note regarding the “3 month review” of the new anti-smacking law, by the Police Force. They claim that there have only been 9 “warnings” from 15 cases in the past three months. The actual number of mothers and grandmothers being traumatised by police-interference in their lives is actually much higher than this however, and we are finding that police are even pre-empting parents in some cases. Remember, the law is currently being used very carefully – in a short period of time, between two and five years, this damaging law will be being applied to it’s fullest extent, resulting in many families (especially Christian/home-educating families) having their children removed from them, and in many cases never to be seen again.

Remember, “All that is necessary for evil to succeed is for good men to do nothing” – Edmund Burke.

Kind Regards,
Andy Moore
phone: 021 1140 751
God Defend New Zealand.


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