Author: HEF Admin

  • Allforlife – Prolife training workshop: Saturday 28 November 2009

    Saturday 28 November 2009

    Register | Speakers | Travel
    Accomodation | Programme

    A workshop hosted by Voice for Life Kapiti in Paraparaumu,

    1hr North of Wellington

    Free Registration!
    Lunch Provided – Donations Welcome

    As a local pro-life group we have become increasingly convinced that whilst many of us are intuitively pro-life, we need to be better at articulating…

    “why we believe what we believe”

    In the abortion debate, if we are ever going to get better traction and claw back the lost ground, we will need to upskill.

    Furthermore, we are conscious that the grass roots membership rarely comes together to learn, to inspire, and to network.

    Download the All for Life



    To register your interest in attending the All for Life Pro-Life Training Workshop, please either download the brochure/rego-form (above), or email Dave the coordinator :)

    You can also… Register online

    We do require confirmation for catering purposes.


    Brian Whittaker
    Facilitator for All for Life workshopBorn and raised in Wellington and living on the Kapiti Coast since 1986. Brian has travelled extensively, particularly through third World Countries. A self employed Property Valuer. Married to Chris who home schools their seven Children. Member of Voice for Life Kapiti.

    Brendan Malone
    Family Life

    Brendan is married to Katie, they have a daughter Lucy and have recently had twin girls. Brendan travels around schools and youth groups giving talks about all life issues. He also keeps FLI’s website updated and was instrumental in producing FLI’s DVD “Love, Sex and the Truth”. He also has a weekly radio spot on radio Rhema and runs the annual Hearts Aflame Catholic Summer School.

    Andy Moore
    Prolife NZ

    Andy Moore is a 22yr old Christian, currently studying towards a Political Science Degree at Canterbury University. He believes that abortion is the worst social injustice all times, a silent holocaust taking place; just down the road from you. He has been involved in starting up Prolife NZ and working to build the pro-life movement throughout New Zealand. His desire is to encourage others to speak up for unborn and to empower them to be able to effectively impact their culture. Andy can be found blogging at…

    Bob McCoskrie
    Family First NZIt’s time to SPEAK UP for what is best for families! New Zealanders need a voice that can lobby for strong families and safe communities, which is why Bob started his organisation “Family First”. Are you concerned about rising family break downs and the decline in standards and responsibility? Come and listen to Bob McCroskrie and be inspired for change!

    Matthew & Madeline Flannagan

    Dr Matthew & Madeleine Flannagan are married and have 4 children. They are Evangelicals, with Reformed leanings and are currently members of the Presbyterian Church. Both are adult converts and were not raised in Christian families. Politically they are both Classical Liberals. Both are accomplished speakers, have years of experience talking to audiences, both lay and academic, and can pitch their topic to suit any audience from children through to university level.

    Programme (draft)

    9.00 – 9.30 Registration

    Session 1

    9.30 – 10.00 Welcome
    The S.L.E.D Presentation
    Brian Whitaker
    10.00 – 10.15 Feedback

    Session 2

    10.15 – 10.45 Political scene/Media/Labels Bob McCoskrie
    10:45 – 11.00 Feedback
    11.00 – 11.15 Morning tea

    Session 3

    11.15 – 11.45 Bob McCoskrie
    11.45 – 12.00 Feedback

    Session 4

    12.00 – 12.30 apologetics/slogans Matt & Madeline Flannagan
    12.30 – 12.45 Feedback
    12:45 – 1:30 Lunch
    Various Video clips will be running
    1:30 – 1:45 Musicians

    Session 5

    1.45 – 2.15 Matt & Madeline Flannagan
    2.15 – 2.30 Feedback

    Session 6

    2:30 – 3:00 The Enemy from within Brendan Malone
    3:00 – 3:15 Feedback

    Session 7

    3:15 – 3:45 Brendan Malone
    3:45 – 4:00 Feedback

    Session 8

    4:00 – 4:30 what does it mean to be pro-life? Andy Moore
    4:30 – 4:45 Feedback

    Session 9

    4:45 – 5:15 Wrap-up Brian Whitaker
    Workshop evaulation forms to complete

    Barbeque afterwards for all interested


    If you need to stay a night or two in Wellington/Paraparaumu, contact Dave to discuss accomodation options – such as billeting.

    Spare vehicles available.

    more info coming as soon as we have a better idea of numbers attending.


    Location: St Patrick’s School Hall, 8 Tongariro Street, Paraparaumu.
    View Larger MapIf you’re flying, best to book flights early before they get too expensive. Plan to be in Wellington by late Friday night or early Saturday morning as there will be vehicles arranged to drive up to Paraparam.

    Cheap flights:

    more info coming soon…

    RSVP at the Facebook event

    email: | phone: 04 297 1685 (ext. 723)

  • Dead baby’s parents bugged by police

    This is Child Abuse and this is what the Government and society needs to be bringing to an end:

    Dead baby’s parents bugged by police

    By CLIO FRANCIS – The Dominion Post

    A couple accused of starving and beating their 11-week-old baby were caught after police secretly recorded conversations between the pair discussing her death, a jury has been told.

    Azees Mahomed, 31, originally from South Africa, subjected his daughter to a sustained period of “systematic neglect and violence” before she was killed, a jury in the High Court at Auckland was told yesterday.

    Tahani Mahomed died in Auckland’s Starship children’s hospital on New Year’s Day, 2008. She was admitted to Middlemore Hospital four days earlier with severe head injuries.

    Mahomed, 31, is charged with murdering Tahani. He also faces two charges of grievous bodily harm, which relate to allegedly breaking his daughter’s leg and injuring her head so severely that it caused brain damage, and one count of failing to provide the necessaries of life.

    His wife, Tabbasum Mahomed, 26, faces one charge of failing to provide the necessaries of life.

    Both parents deny all charges.

    Crown prosecutor Phillip Hamlin, in his opening statement, said police were suspicious about the death and, three days later, on the day of Tahani’s funeral, they bugged the couple’s Otahuhu home. “You will hear the two of them discuss coaching their older daughter so she doesn’t make an incriminating statement against them,” he said.

    One of the recorded conversations, which was in Hindi and translated into English, detailed Tabbasum Mahomed saying: “They will question Tasmia [the sister] about what happened to Tahani, who hit/killed Tahani.”

    Her husband replies: “Daddy hit/kill, Daddy hit/kill, that’s what she’ll say.”

    The court was told the Hindi word used is said to be the equivalent of either hit or kill in English.

    The recordings also alluded to the couple’s neglect of the baby, the court was told.

    Azees Mahomed was recorded as saying police had “one big proof against us” because they knew the couple had left the baby locked in a car in hot weather and on another occasion had not changed her nappy for an entire day.

    Tahani had been born healthy and of a good weight on October 7, 2007. But, just over two months later, lay dead, Mr Hamlin said.

    “In 11 weeks, baby Tahani has been neglected and not fed.

    “In 11 weeks, baby Tahani has been left in a hot car for hours.

    “In 11 weeks, baby Tahani has brain injury from the first injury she suffered.

    “In 11 weeks, baby Tahani was the victim of the second and fatal head injury,” Mr Hamlin told the jury.

    The Crown alleges Tahani was murdered by her father when her head was “slammed against a very hard surface, twice”.

    The second blow to head had been of such violence the child never recovered, Mr Hamlin said. Azees Mohamed was also responsible for pulling the baby’s left leg so hard it broke her shin bone.

    When the parents finally took their daughter to hospital on December 28, 2007, she was gravely ill, the court heard.

    The doctor who examined Tahani when she arrived at Middlemore Hospital described her as severely “malnourished”, estimating her weight to be only 4 kilograms.

    Mr Hamlin said that, when the Mahomeds had arrived at the hospital, they had told medical staff “they could not understand how or why the baby was in such a critical condition”.

    Tabbasum said the baby had been “alert and laughing” only a day earlier and was smiling in the car on the way to hospital.

    However the Crown alleges the child’s first brain injury was so severe she would have been left unable to breathe properly, paralysed and blind.

    Chris Wilkinson-Smith said his client, Azees Mahomed, was denying the “terrible accusation” he murdered his daughter.

    “The simple answer is that he did not harm her.”

    The Crown will call 50 witnesses for the trial which has been set down for three weeks.

  • NZ Pro-Life Day of Silent Solidarity Standing silent for those who have no voice.

    Prolife NZ
    Tuesday, October 20, 2009
    12:00am – 11:55pm
    New Zealand

    Everyday in NZ almost 50 babies have their lives ended by abortion.

    On October 20, 2009 people from all over this nation will give up their voices for a day in solidarity for these children. They will stand together silently for those who have no voice. They will carry fliers explaining why they are silent and educate others about the plight of the innocent children we are losing every day.

    Are you willing to give up your voice for a day for those who will never have a voice?

    Join the movement! Change your facebook profile picture to the Silent Solidarity picture! So many are doing this already, use the following picture…

    Contact Simeon to get more info about silent protests in your area, or start your own and let him know!

  • PUBLIC MEETING in Hamilton TONIGHT: ‘The way forward on Section 59’


    ‘The way forward on

    Section 59′

    Tonight in  Hamilton , (and next week in Dargaville) you’re invited to a continuation of a series of meetings around the country….

    * Bob McCoskrie – Family First Target Real Child Abuse, Not Real Parents ( HAMILTON ONLY )
    * John Boscawen – ACT MP – Promoter of the Boscawen amendment, previously the Chester Borrows amendment
    * Larry Baldock – Kiwi Party
    – Promoter of the Referendum
    Also invited are the local Members of Parliament.

    7.30 p.m.
    Hamilton Central Baptist Church, 33 Charlemont Street, Hamilton

    Monday 12 October, 7.00 p.m.
    Dargaville Town Hall, 37 Hokianga Road, DARGAVILLE

  • Campaign4Democracy


    Meetings coming up

    with John Boscawen, Bob McCoskrie and Larry Baldock


    Tauranga, Hamilton, Dargaville, Lower Hutt and Bucklands Beach

    We are still working on finalising many aspects of the Campaign4Democracy and therefore do not have our logo and templates for communication ready as yet. This short update will give you some useful information though I trust.

    Two weeks ago at the Family Forum hosted by Family First, John Key accepted questions from the floor and you can hear those and his replies by clicking below. Don’t worry about a little feedback noise at the beginning as it comes right after a minute or so. My question to him is about number 3.  John Key Q & A

    Two quotes from his answers are interesting.

    “There is 13 prosecutions where there has been some form of physical abuse but in those cases the advice I have had is that even if the old sec 59 law was in place those prosecutions would still have taken place.” John Key.

    If you are familiar with the cases you will know that this is nonsense, but if his advice was accurate, it begs the obvious question, Why did the law need to be changed then?

    “All I can tell you is if we went back and changed the law this is what I think would happen. There would be a very intense debate in NZ and those that are opposed to smacking could run a very ferocious campaign and at the end of that process right or wrong, some people would feel quite differently about it.” John Key

    This quote indicates that the PM is well aware of how violent, intolerant and agressive the non-violent positive parenting types can be when they don’t get their own way. A bit like children really!

    More meetings coming up with John Boscawen, Bob McCoskrie and myself will be;
    Tauranga Monday 5 October, 7.30 p.m at the Redwood Room, Bureta Park Motor Inn, Otumoetai

    Hamilton Thursday 8 October, 7.30 p.m at Hamilton Central Baptist Church 33 Charlemont Street.

    Dargaville Monday 12 October 7.30 p.m Venue TBA (not including Bob)

    Lower Hutt Thursday 15 October 7.30 p.m Venue TBA

    Bucklands Beach Monday 19 October 7.30 p.m Venue TBA

    Perhaps you can recomend them to your friends if they live in those areas.
    Warm regards,

    Larry Baldock


    If you enjoyed this post, please consider leaving a comment or subscribing to the RSS feed to have future articles delivered to your feed reader.

  • Child death probe upgraded to homicide

    Child death probe upgraded to homicide

    Last updated 16:54 05/10/2009

    Police are treating the death of a Waikato toddler last month as a homicide.

    Hail-Sage McClutchie, 22 months, died in Waikato Hospital on September 27 after being taken there by ambulance from Morrinsville the day before.

    Acting Waikato crime services manager Inspector Russell Le Prou said expert medical advice indicated the young Hamilton girl – known as Sage – had suffered non-accidental injuries.

    “As a result of this expert advice, our initial inquiry work and a post mortem examination, this inquiry is now a homicide investigation.”

    Mr Le Prou said police were waiting for further forensic results before commenting on Sage’s cause of death.

    Twelve detectives are working to establish how Sage suffered her injuries.

  • Public meeting in Christchurch tonight 21 September 2009

    Hi All,

    Public meeting in Christchurch concerning the Anti-Smacking Law, see below for details.

    Unity for Liberty encourages all folk to attend these public meetings when they are in your area, I attended the first meeting in Auckland and found it extremely rewarding.

    If you are able could you please forward these details on to any friends who may be in the area.


    Craig Hill


    We have organised our next Public Meeting;

    John Boscawen has challenged Clayton Cosgrove to attend. 27000 voted No in his electorate of Waimakariri and 16000 voted for him in the last General election… John is also inviting Kate Wilkinson, the National List MP.

    The details are

    Monday 21 September, 7.30 p.m. St. Bede’s College, Performing Arts Centre, 210 Main North Road, Papanui, Christchurch City


    John Boscawen, ACT M.P., David Garrett, ACT M.P., Larry Baldock, Leader of the Kiwi Party and Referendum Organiser. Other speakers to be advised.

    For details of future meetings


    Or phone 09 531 5531