All the best
All the best
Sten Danielson: “The hostility – and anxiety – is reminiscent of racism”
Aftonbladet, May 28, 2008.
It is becoming increasingly common with children not being allowed on: flights, hotels, restaurants. But anyone who becomes uncomfortable by the proximity of a small child is in need of psychiatric care regardless of the reason for their phobia, not respect for their abnormalities.
No, follow up the smacking ban with a legal prohibition against a child-ban, writes Sten Danielson.
Recently, we have been “bequeathed” with a new phenomenon – no children on air travel, in hotels and business places where it is not in keeping with the natural order and security reasons, mental health care views or (rightly or wrongly) feared future destruction of character of the young to reasonably justify the prohibitions. The basis for these [prohibitions] has simply been some adults’ reluctance to have children in their vicinity.
The discriminatory situation has the particularity of being completely irrational and thus the model for a violation of the victim’s human dignity. If I order food and drinks at a restaurant or a cafe and I do not infringe any code of conduct, if I go into a department store to buy a suit without being a disturbance in any way, if I order a trip to Thailand or the Caribbean and a hotel room to go with it and all the time I behave soberly and orderly and do not molest any travelling companion, it is of course completely irrelevant what skin- and hair colour I have, what religion I adhere to or if I do not have any at all, if I am a Moderate or Social Democrat, an Ecologist or leftist. If I am refused access with any such extraneous motives, I then have an objective basis to consider myself discriminated against.
And my being a child it naturally just as unimportant as if the colour of my skin were white or black, etc. Anyone who feels uncomfortable in the proximity of a small child is in need of psychiatric care regardless of the reason for their phobia, not respect for their abnormalities, in the same way as if their phobia was about skin-colour, crooked nose or a name that suggests Arab or Muslim descent.
I am not a “child romantic” and among the most idiotic things I heard in my long life on earth (75 years) is the cliché a psychologist blurted out in the 50’s that “there are no nasty children.” Children can be terribly nasty. How they have become such is a different matter. Often the children have probably taken over the wickedness of the adults (bad) examples. Children can also be wonderful, empathetic and loving. Around the same time as Engla was murdered two small siblings were murdered in Arboga. In a public letter bordering on what was unbearably gripping, the father of the victims wrote among other things, that the children always tried to help and support each other; when one was sad the other would give consolation. If we adults treat our youngsters from the start, with justice and respect and love they usually tend to go on to live with these characteristics as guiding principles.
But if those around us treat our young ones with pathological coldness and evil (I will not hesitate before that judgement!) that tends to be associated with irrational discrimination, we can instead get a terrible terrorist and suicide bomber. Animosity towards children is animosity towards people, just as much as for example, racism and xenophobia.
Children can be extremely difficult, everyone who comes into contact with them knows that. But most often this small vital passionate brat is at the same time double fun and triple wonderful! Again and again, we see in our youngsters this spontaneous love and joy and tenderness towards small and big, and all living creatures, which in spite of everything makes human life worth living. The adult who does not understand this is sick in the soul and in need of treatment.
I’m sure you know the story of the boy who, after a raging storm went along the seashore and threw stranded shellfish back into the sea. When he was throwing back one of them a wise-ass adult said:
“What does it matter that you throw in a few shellfish and save their lives? The storm has displaced thousands of them! ”
“But for this one, it matters a lot,” the boy replied.
Jesus said that if we do not become like children, we will never enter the kingdom of heaven. He understood.
So let us now without further delay follow up the smacking ban with a legal prohibition against a child-ban in virtually all communication, places of business, hotels and guesthouses, stores and events in public places! And there should be both proper fines and prison sentences for those who break that law!
Reply 1 – Disruptive children [are]
the parents’ responsibility
By Caesar von Walzel, former parent of small children,
age 64 yrs, healthy! Stockholm
Aftonbladet, 2008-06-03
The former Region assessor’s article about a child-ban is perceived by me as depressing reading for two reasons.
1) The comparison of a vast number of racist examples that claims that someone might have the same aversion to children in general. A total miss of the point! It is DISRUPTIVE children who are disruptive, just like all other ill-mannered, loud-mouthed or drunken elements in a public place. (They are, of course, nor welcome – or?) The paying guests at a restaurant, on an airplane, the beach – and so on have the same right to the atmosphere that they are visiting and also the right to expect it. For example, calm when eating, repose or relaxation that a well-decorated restaurant or other place chosen for the purpose may offer, instead of being forced into a “kindergarten-atmosphere”!
Of course, it is the parents’ responsibility to ensure that their children do not destroy for others.
In the editorial of SvD one could read about disturbing things in a swimming center, in which it is clearly stated that the parents of young children are the most aggressive ones. I share that view.
The parents of young children have the same rights and obligations as other persons. I was able to extend / change the “prohibition” to the prohibition of the incompetent selfish parents who are accompanied by disruptive and unmanageable children. Other families with children are of course welcome.
2) The good assessor seems to represent the kind of past “sovereignty” who believes that people who do not share his view, have phobias and need psychiatric care. I can inform him that fortunately, we have left this type of one-party-regime and authoritarianism behind us in our Nordic democracy. With this kind of argument you lose the most important thing in a debate piece, namely the facts!
Children ARE disruptive!
(swedish children are disruptive)
“It is becoming increasingly common with children not being allowed on: flights, hotels, restaurants. But anyone who becomes uncomfortable by the proximity of a small child is in need of psychiatric care regardless of the reason for their phobia, not respect for their abnormalities.
No, follow up the smacking ban with a legal prohibition against a child-ban, writes Sten Danielson.”
That is what is written in the beginning of an article in Aftonbladet. What nonsense! Just because you do not want screaming, annoying and ill-bred kids around you, doesn’t mean that you are in need of psychiatric treatment! On the contrary: it is healthy to react against the screaming, fussy and wild kids everywhere, for example, in cafes, patisseries and restaurants as well as in museums and in churches, etc. It has nothing to do with the need for psychiatric treatment when we want to sit in peace and quiet and drink a cup of coffee or attend a church service or other celebration at church without kids, who are carrying on.
It is of course the parents who are destroying their children and thus destroying for their children, it is the parents who are the most aggravating. Too many of them seem not to have a clue about how to bring up their children and are unable to keep track of them and teach them into show consideration for other people.
The article in Aftonbladet is among the most diffuse and stupid, I have read in a long time. One wanting not to have children around when you want to relax or enjoy a culinary or cultural experience has nothing at all to do with “discrimination”, which the author is trying to make it seem to be. And if it really were a question of discrimination, it is rather the parents with hyperactive children who are crying and fussing who discriminate against others who have not chosen to have all the noise around them in different situations.
And – as always – there are several sides of the issue. All children are not disruptive, all parents are not ignorant and don’t-give-a-damn. Even though many are.
Sweden has created great problems for itself by removing parental authority. Linda Skugge said it in 2003 “We are bringing up a generation of monsters“, Roger Lord said it in 2005 “The children are embarrassing Sweden“, in October after the fatal shooting of a teenager in Rödeby, many people said “Shoot another one“ and now we have a chorus criticising this piece.
Collecting signatures for the CIR – Section 59
*Wayne is keen to swamp the All Black test match against Ireland, all
hands on deck would be much appreciated.
Wayne can be contacted on
The big push is happening in Auckland,
Our big push starts with the Warriors game on Friday night, ticket sales
start at 2pm and the gates open at 5pm, our intention is to start
gathering from 2pm onwards. If we could muster 20 or 30 folk there is no
reason why we could not realize 2-3000 sigs in the one evening.
All areas
Saturday, I encourage the targeting of your local sports fields, we had
a great response from Papakura last week. If you feel a little
apprehensive about this then the irony is that you are probably the
right person for the job. We have found the best and most successful
approach has been a “quiet excuse me sir/madam, we have a petition you
would like to sign”, works 99.9% of the time.
Saturday night, you can use your imagination, I intend on visiting a few
of the local bars.
Auckland the weekend of June 7 & 8 through to June 14th June.
It will be tables on footpaths in normal shopping areas, (not malls) for a
few hours everyday over lunchtimes. Can I please hear from anyone who
could volunteer some time for this in Auckland
Craig Hill
You can contact me on mobile 021746113
Hamilton to include efforts at Mystery Creek June 11-14th
Larry Baldock
Phone: 021 86 4833
All areas and other people
It would be fabulous if we all collected what we can over the next three weeks and we were surprised that our total could even grow to 390,000 to match the number in the film ‘Amazing Grace’ where William Wilberforce rolled out the petition in the House of Commons and shouted, “No matter how loud you shout you will not drown out the voice of the people!”
If everyone reading this could spend even 1 hour at a table on the street and collect just another 40 signatures we could do it!
Let’s make sure they hear us!
Remember to ask if people have already signed. No duplicates!
The CIR Petition
With only two weeks till we have to submit the petition back to the Clerk of the House to check for validity, NOW is the time to sign in order to have some democracy over the “anti-smacking” law.
Please go NOW to
Download the petition + FaQ (3 pages)
Download the petition only (1 page)
and print it, sign it, and post them into P.O. Box 9228 Greerton, Tauranga.
Also you could email your friends and family and ask them to sign it, or alternatively take it into work. You will be amazed by the positive response. Or do both
4 June 2008
Family First NZ is questioning why a government sponsored survey of obesity rates and related issues of exercise, tv watching, nutrition, fast food and drinking patterns has included a question on smacking.
“Either the government believes that obesity and smacking are linked, or they are trying to throw a positive spin on the highly unpopular smacking law,” says Bob McCoskrie, National Director of Family First NZ. “Both ideas are preposterous.”
“Does the government believe that only obese parents use smacking as a form of correction, or do they believe that if a child is smacked, they will be obese in later life? If that was the case, our current generation of grandparents who were raised before the anti-smacking crusade would be the most obese of all NZ’ers – which of course they are not.”
“What this survey shows is a cynical attempt by the government to try and tackle the increasing opposition to the highly unpopular anti-smacking law,” says Mr McCoskrie.
“The research has already been done – a 2006 Otago University study found that children who were smacked in a reasonable way had similar or slightly better outcomes in terms of aggression, substance abuse, adult convictions and school achievement than those who were not smacked at all. And a Christchurch study by Professor Fergusson found no difference between no smacking and moderate physical punishment. They even said “It is misleading to imply that occasional or mild physical punishment has long term adverse consequences.”
“No mention of obesity!” says Mr McCoskrie.
“There are two facts that should be linked however – 85%, and those who want the anti-smacking law changed. That’s the statistic that the government should be taking notice of,” says Mr McCoskrie.
For More Information and Media Interviews, contact Family First:
If You don’t sign the petition calling for a referendum on the “anti-smacking’ law then you can’t complain about the law at present.
With just over 1 month till we have to submit the petition back to the Clerk of the House to check for validity, NOW is the time to sign in order to have some democracy over the “anti-smacking” law.
Download the petition + FaQ (3 pages)
Download the petition only (1 page)
and print it sign it and post them into P.O. Box 9228 Greerton, Tauranga.
Also you could email your friends and family and ask them to sign it, or alternatively take it into work. You will be amazed by the positive response. Or do both