FI386- FAMILY FIRST – 2 weeks to go

30 May 2008 – Family Integrity #386 — FAMILY FIRST – 2 weeks to go


The GOOD NEWS is that in 2 weeks we won’t be sending you any more emails about collecting signatures for the petition on the anti-smacking legislation. Yay!!!!

The NOT SO GOOD NEWS is that the deadline to collect the remaining number of signatures to absolutely ensure that the Referendum happens is in 2 weeks .

Our target is 370,000 signatures to ensure that there are more than enough signatures to survive however tough the ‘audit process’ is. ( just over 12,000 to collect )

And remember – 390,000 would match the number in the film Amazing Grace where William Wilberforce rolled out the petition in the House of Commons and shouted, “No matter how loud you shout you will not drown out the voice of the people!”

Could I encourage you to simply
1. print out the petition form CLICK HERE
carry with you over the weekend and next week
3. and simply check with people you socialise with whether they would like to sign the petition. You’ll be surprised how many people have wanted to but simply didn’t have the opportunity!

Thanks for your efforts – and have a great ‘long weekend’!

And because this is ‘cartoon week’, we leave you with another ‘funny’.

Family First Team


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