Author: HEF Admin

  • No U turn – no matter what public opinion says, 30 Jan 2008 05:25a.m.


    The MP behind the law that banned smacking of children doesn’t believe a petition and referendum has any chance of succeeding.

    The Family First lobby group is just 27-thousand signatures short of the 300-thousand needed for its petition to force referendum on the issue.

    Green MP Sue Bradford says, even if the majority of the public want a change in the law, parliament won’t necessarily go along with it.

  • Blog-davegee


    National is still considering its long-term stance on the anti-smacking debate. John Key helped the controversial bill become law, after agreeing to a minor compromise with Green party author Sue Bradford.

    However, the party’s position is said to be wavering, following a 280,000-strong petition against the law, and the fact that a couple of parents have already found themselves in court over very minor cases of disciplining their children in public.

  • Unprecedented State Control of New Zealand Youth



    Libertarianz education spokesman Phil Howison today slammed Helen Clark and John Key’s mirror-image plans to nationalise New Zealand teenagers.

    “Forcing students to stay at school until they are 18 will cause unruly classrooms, bored students, stressed teachers and an increased burden for taxpayers” says Libertarianz education spokesman Phil Howison. “It is essentially an admission of defeat for state education. If eleven years in state schools leaves most students unemployable, what difference can adding two years make?” Howison asks. “Clark and Key have come up with plans combining the worst excesses of Nanny State. Add to it the plans to screen toddlers for ‘anti-social behaviour’, schools such as Westlake Boys High School which hold back even academically gifted students for a year if they have a ‘bad attitude’, and the threat of boot camp for students who refuse to comply, and you have the blueprints for unprecedented state control of New Zealand youth.”In her attempt to cram reluctant learners back in the classroom, Clark also condemns those who actually want to be there to disruptive and unruly classrooms. “Students who are hostile towards their compulsory schooling usually end up being disruptive and lowering the quality of the learning environment,” Howison says, pointing to Hutt Valley High School as a particularly grim example. He also laments the unnecessary stress that will burden teachers as they struggle with classroom discipline, becoming babysitters rather than educators. “Forget about Key’s boot camps – schools these days seem to be just as rife with violence, bullying and substance abuse as the prisons. But all teenagers, not just youth offenders, are forced to attend!”

    The extra $150 million of taxpayer loot that Clark is prepared to spend on turning schools into prisons will hit the taxpayer where it hurts again. “Clark’s scheme will take many young people out of the workforce where they are learning to be self-sufficient and productive, leaving them with no choice but to accept government handouts” says Howison. “And Key’s plan is no better. By supplying government funding to even more tertiary courses, he would extend government control of higher education, leaving a mere facade of private ownership while leaving the door open for waste and abuse.”

    “The first step of the Libertarianz transitional education policy will be to lower the compulsory school leaving age to zero. In a free society, all interactions including the decision to stay at school must be voluntary. To help young people gain meaningful employment and encourage private apprenticeships, Libertarianz will remove minimum wage laws and make the first $10,000 of income tax free,” Howison says. “Libertarianz believe in the separation of school and state, allowing new methods, subjects and ideas to evolve in a free market system.”

    “It’s enough to make you vote Libertarianz!”


    For more information, please contact:

    Phil Howison
    Libertarianz Spokesman for the Deregulation of Education
    Phone: 027 437 0308

    Libertarianz: More Freedom – Less Government

  • Helen Clark – Me Too!


    Last year, National Leader John Key was accused of being a “me too” man, and National accused of being ‘Labour-lite’ in terms of policy comparison with the Labour Party.

    There seems to have been a turn-around on this though with Helen’s speech this morning basically mirroring Key’s speech yesterday in regards to youth and education.

    Both leaders appear to be targeting troubled youth, specifically the age groups between 14 and 16.

    As regards youth violence, I don’t think we can be too surprised: I really think it’s only going to get worse; the reason? The anti-smacking law.

    Sweden banned smacking in the 1980s and their rates of youth violence have shot up dramatically.

    At least two studies in Sweden were initiated in the 1990s because of societal concerns about increasing youth violence. One rationale for one study was that “There is also much evidence that our [Swedish] society has a growing propensity for violence” (Statistics Sweden, 1996, p. 5). Another study’s rationale began, “Since the mid-1980s, the
    Swedish public has been increasingly concerned about juvenile violence” including “football hooliganism, excessive celebrations on Midsummer eve, acts of violence with racist and xenophobic motives, squatters’ actions, street fights between politically opposed groups, violence at school, and recurrent juvenile tumults at the end of summer vacations, between gangs
    of Swedish or immigrant background, and skinheads and groups of young female ‘kickers’ . . . In light of this, it seems difficult to deny that the Swedish society in recent years has been hit by a wave of juvenile violence” (von Hofer, 1995, p. 1). Juvenile violence clearly appeared to be increasing during the 1990s according to Swedish social scientists, warranting studies to understand it.

    Hopefully we will have a referendum will bring this subject to the fore again.

    Please go to:
    to make comments on this blog.

  • FI-343-CIR Update no 20

    30 January 2008 Family Integrity #343 — CIR Update no 20

    From: Larry Baldock []
    Sent: Wednesday, January 30, 2008 7:08 PM
    Subject: CIR Update no 20


    Hi Everyone,

    It’s been a busy summer, phew! and a hot one.

    I was planning to get this update out last week but somehow the days just slid by.

    We spent last week with a great team of volunteers here in Tauranga cutting the petitions in to their separate forms and recounting. We completed recounting Sheryl’s petition and the good news is we had a few more than we thought.

    After some very fruitful campaigns around the country over the last two weekends we are now over the 280,000 mark.

    A lot of media coverage recently has seen more activity and increasing numbers of people seeking the petitions to sign.

    The PM is saying we won’t make it, and then she says if we do, they won’t change it. Today on Radio Live she said “why would 113 MPs who voted for the law change then repeal it? Ah, I think it’s because 84% of the population want you to. You know, democracy is like that, MPs work for us!

    The good news is that we are now very close to our first target of 300,000 and I believe we can comfortably make that by Feb 29 when we must hand them in.

    The bad news is, (bad news, there is no bad news, only a challenge!) the challenge is that getting the 300,000 is the first phase. If you read the attachment (below Attachment no 3) called the process you will understand the next and final phase.

    I was hoping we would have the total of my petition by today but it looks like it will take us another day or two so I will advise that in the next update. We definitely have less but perhaps it is not too far behind. I still feel strongly that we are to finish both so please do you best to get people to sign both whenever possible.

    I will write an Op-Ed piece shortly to explain the importance of getting a referendum on the wider causes of family breakdown, family violence and child abuse.

    I have attached a press release and Op-Ed (below Attachments 1 and 2) I put out today for your information. The Op-Ed should give clarity on when the referendum can be held. It would be a very brave and foolish PM in my opinion that would defer it from the election.

    Renewed enthusiasm

    It has been encouraging to be contacted by some of those who were very active at the beginning of our campaign who say they are now getting their second wind! That’s great. If we all got involved in February there is no telling how many signatures we could deliver on the 29th.

    Materials available

    A sign maker in Hamilton has offered to make signs on corflue with the wording we use on the signs you have seen on the pictures we sent out.

    Don’t criminalise good parents, A smack is not abuse Sign the petition, Demand a Referendum. ( We have been using two signs but I think we could combine these statements into one now.)

    He has offered to make these at cost so please let me know if you might want to order some.

    I am also using a second couple of smaller signs

    “The epidemic of Child Abuse and Child Violence in this country continues. My bill was never intended to solve this Problem.” Sue Bradford Green Party National Radio Dec 21.

    “Our Referenda were always intended to address the wider causes of Child Abuse, Family Violence and Family Breakdown.” Larry Baldock Kiwi Party Jan 30th.

    If you were not comfortable using the sign with The Kiwi Party on it, you could request it to be simply, Larry Baldock Petition organiser.

    So let me know if you may like to place any orders.

    Events coming up.

    Katikata A & P show this Sunday Feb 3rd. Contact Travis & Tina Boyd 5491510

    We very keen to get a team to the Martinborough fair in the Wairarapa as they have 20-30,000 attend there on Feb 2nd and March 1st. Contact Tony Arcus 06 3796668

    Gore A & P Show this Sat Feb 2nd contact Natalie Souness 03 415 8243

    Dannevirke A & P show Friday & Sat Feb 1st & 2nd contact Stephen 068578138

    Te Puke A & P show Feb 9th. Contact me.

    Napier Art Deco week Feb 12-17th Contact me.

    And Natalie is also looking for helpers at the Waimumu Field Days Feb 13-15th

    Also this weekend the Wellington Sevens. Friday –Saturday. There will be thousands all around the Cake Tin that will be ready to sign.

    Contact Wayne 049775501

    A & P Show Taumaranui Feb 9th Barb and I will be there but need to leave after lunch so we would appreciate someone who could take over then for us.

    A & P show Te Puke Feb 9th. Contact me.

    Fielding Field Days March 13th & 14th

    Dragon Boat Festival Wellington March 16th

    The Dargaville Field Days Feb 28-March 1st is also a good gathering I am told.

    If you have an event coming up and want me to advertise it send me an email.

    Happy holidays for those still enjoying time off. The weather is great. Keep up the good work. I hope you will be able to find a little time at least to join

    The Great Summer Challenge!

    Warm regards


    Note: 3 attachments below

  • CIR Update no 20-Attachment No 1

    Press Release   30 January 2008

    Kiwi Party

    “Bradford should welcome Referendum”

    Petition organiser Larry Baldock announced today that after a successful weekend of signature gathering the total for the petition to hold a referendum has now reached over 280,000. I think we can pretty much dismiss any doubts that a referendum will be held,  he said.

    Sue Bradford has repeatly claimed recently that the majority of New Zealander’s now support her law change. If she really believed her own spin, she would have no cause for concern about the referendum would she?

    She has repeatedly claimed the petition has been inspired by religious fanatics and fundamentaists. These are tactics both she and the PM have resorted to describe anyone who opposes their social engineering agenda.

    It is utter nonsense, and insulting to the hundreds who have signed up to help and the tens of thousands who have signed the petition to suggest that they are all religious extremists. If Sue Bradford would have the courage to spend just one day out with us on one of our collection tables she would fairly rapidly be able to adjust her delusional views concerning the popularity of her bill.

    Bob McCoskrie from Family First has been singled out often for the focus of their attacks. The truth is that the petitions are not organised by Family First or Bob McCoskrie. When I conceived of the idea to initiate the petitions for the referenda and Sheryl Savill and I decided to lodge our applications with the Clerk of the House, I sought the support of a number of organisiations in the planning and launcing of the campaign. These organisations and individuals included Tim Sisarich and Focus on the Family, Christine Rankin and For the Sake of our Children Trust, Bob McCoskrie from Family First, Garth McVicar and the Sensible Sentencing Trust as well as a wide range of Church Leaders and other community based organisations. About 5 months ago Craig Hill began an organisation called Unity for Liberty with the purpose of assisting in collecting signatures to achieve the referendum and has launched several successful campaigns to mobilise volunteers. More recently Muriel Newman has promoted the petitions on her website and urged her readers to get involved in her NZCPR weekly newsletter.

    What Sue Bradford and the PM can be assured of is that there will be a referendum. 



    Larry Baldock


    Kiwi Party


  • CIR Update no 20-Attachment No 2

    Larry Baldock The Kiwi Party Op-Ed

    30 January 2008

    “Go ahead Prime Minister –

    Postpone the Referendum and make my day”

    After a successful weekend of signature gathering that has brought the total for the petition to hold a referendum to over 280,000. I think we can pretty much dismiss any doubts that a referendum will be held.

    Questions are now being raised about when the referendum might be held. The TV 3 news report on Monday Jan 28 said the Government could choose not to hold the referenda at the election and this is technically correct.

    Once the petition or petitions have been certified correct and presented to the Speaker by Clerk of the House, the Govenor General must, within one month make an Order in Council to set a date for holding the referendum within 12 months of the date the petition was certified as correct.

    Where an election is due to be held within 12 months of that date the CIR Act 1993 makes provision for Parliament to pass a resolution to make the date for holding the referendum in line with polling day as was the case on the two previous CIR’s held in 1999.

    I have always assumed that the Government would follow this precedent and save the taxpayers something in the order of 10 million dollars.

    If voters are not angry enough now try wasting their money!!

    If the Prime Minister has no confidence that the majority of New Zealanders would now be convinced ‘that a smack as part of good parental correction should be a criminal offence,’ and she would rather take the risk of further angering taxpayers and voters then I may be proven wrong in my assumption.

    The CIR Act 1993 also allows for another delaying of holding a referendum by Parliament if 75% of the members support a motion to postpone it to be held later than 12 months but not more than 24 months from the date it was certified as correct. That would require the support of the National Party and I had assumed also, rightly or wrongly, that they would not be duped into throwing Labour another ladder to get out of a hole again, as John key did so kindly on 2 May last year.

    Sue Bradford has repeatly claimed recently that the majority of New Zealander’s now support her law change. If she really believed her own spin, she would have no cause for concern about the referendum would she?

    She has repeatedly claimed the petition has been inspired by religious fanatics and fundamentaists. These are tactics both she and the PM have resorted to describe anyone who opposes their social engineering agenda. Bob McCoskrie from Family First has been singled out often for the focus of their attacks. The truth is that the petitions are not organised or sponsored by Family First or Bob McCoskrie. When I conceived of the idea to initiate the petitions for the referenda I sought the support of a number of organisiations in the planning and launcing of the campaign. These organisations and individuals included Tim Sisarich and Focus on the Family, Christine Rankin and For the Sake of our Children Trust, Bob McCoskrie from Family First, Garth McVicker and the Sensible Sentencing Trust as well as a wide range of Church Leaders and other community based organisations. About 5 months ago Craig Hill began an organisation called Unity for Liberty with the purpose of assisting in collecting signatures to achieve the referendum and has launched several successful campaigns to mobilise volunteers. More recently Muriel Newman has promoted the petitions on her website and urged her readers to get involved in her NZCPR weekly newsletter.

    As my wife and I have traveled up and down the country repeatedly over the past year collecting signatures and encouraging volunteers to become involved, we have been approached by a wide cross section of Kiwis from all walks of life. It is utter nonsense, and insulting to the hundreds who have signed up to help and the tens of thousands who have signed the petition to suggest that they are all religious extremists. If Sue Bradford would have the courage to spend just one day out with us on one of our collection tables she would fairly rapidly be able to adjust her delusional views concerning the popularity of her bill.

    What Sue Bradford and the PM can be assured of is that there will be a referendum. Attempting to delay the opportunity for all Kiwis to have their say in these referenda will not avoid the backlash from voters angry about Parliaments arrogant disregard for their opposition to the anti-smacking law and failure to seriously address child abuse.

    Larry Baldock

    Petition organiser &

    The Kiwi Party Leader.

    Contact 021864833

  • CIR Update no 20-Attachment 3

    The Process for the CIR from here to a Referendum at the Election.

    I hope this will help explain what we must do to complete our task.

    By Feb 29th 2008 we must hand in to the Clerks office in Parliament the signatures of at least 10% of the number of New Zealanders registered on the Electoral Role. (approx. 300,000 signatures.)

    The Clerks office will then begin a process of checking at least a random number of the signatures and will advise us how many acceptable signatures we have collected. If they find that 10% of the signatures checked in the random sample are unacceptable due to illegibility, or not being identified on the electoral role etc, then they will deduct 10% of the total number of signatures that we have submitted.

    Given the way some people sign their names and write their addresses it very possible that 10% could be eliminated which would mean as many as 30,000 from our total.

    If the remaining number of authentic signatures is less that the 10% of those registered on the electoral role as required by the Act to force a referendum, then we will be given a further two months to complete the required number from that date.

    Since it can take up to two months for the initial counting process by the Clerks office, that means we could be collecting up until July 1st.  However as you can imagine, we do hope it is all over long before then.

    Once that number is complete the Clerks office will then declare that the petition is successful and will ask the Speaker of the House to begin the process of preparing for the referendum to be held at the election this year.

    This means that we will need to continue to collect signatures even after the date of March 1st to ensure our ultimate success in gaining a referendum.