Tag: CIR Petition
The Message is Clear…Decriminalise Light Smacking
The Message is Clear… Decriminalise Light Smacking WOULD YOU CONSIDER TAKING 2 MINUTES TO SEND AN IMPORTANT EMAIL? Tomorrow morning, and in response to the whopping 88% who voted NO in the Referendum, John Key will be going to Cabinet to recommend ‘increased safeguards’, guidelines and ‘a level of comfort’ for parents under the anti-smacking…
Write to John Key NOW
Key signals protection for parents http://www.stuff.co.nz/national/2778529/Key-signals-protection-for-parents By GRAHAME ARMSTRONG, COLIN ESPINER – Sunday Star Times Police and Child Youth and Family officials will be warned to not prosecute parents for lightly smacking their children. Prime Minister John Key told the Sunday Star-Times in Sydney yesterday he was planning to introduce “increased safeguards” to prevent parents…
The opponents of the anti-smacking law outnumber the supporters of ANY New Zealand government
The opponents of the anti-smacking law outnumber the supporters of ANY New Zealand government I (Beretta Blog) spotted this over at Kiwiblog today: 1,420,959 – Voted no to treating correctional smacking as a criminal offence 1,053,398 – 2008 Voted for National when they won the election 935,319 – 2005 Voted for Labour when they won…
They did not drown out the voice of the people! So what now?
The Kiwi Party Press Release Kiwi Party Leader and referendum petition organiser Larry Baldock was thrilled by the provisional results released tonight by Chief Electoral Office. “My wife and I spent 18 months travelling through this country three times listening to people from all walks of life as they signed the petition on street corners,…
Key says no to changing smacking law
Key says no to changing smacking law http://www.stuff.co.nz/national/politics/2776861/Key-says-no-to-changing-smacking-law By TOM FITZSIMONS, COLIN ESPINER and CLIO FRANCIS – The Dominion Post Smacking referendum results by electorates Pro-smacking campaigners are calling on the Government to fast-track a law change to allow parents to smack their children, after a thumping referendum victory. But Prime Minister John Key says…
Citizens Initiated Referendum 2009 Preliminary Result
http://electionresults.govt.nz/2009_citizens_referendum/ Citizens Initiated Referendum 2009 Preliminary Result 21 August 2009 The Chief Electoral Officer has released the preliminary result of the Citizens Initiated Referendum on the question “Should a smack as part of good parental correction be a criminal offence in New Zealand?” The preliminary result is based on the number of votes processed as…
Anti-smacking referendum: No vote wins
Anti-smacking referendum: No vote wins http://www.stuff.co.nz/national/politics/2776567/Anti-smacking-referendum-No-vote-wins By MICHAEL FOX – Stuff.co.nz Last updated 20:03 21/08/2009 New Zealanders have overwhelmingly voted for the anti-smacking law to be canned. A total of 1,622,150 votes were cast with 87.6 percent in favour of repealing the controversial new law. The Chief Electoral Office said it would now complete checks…
Anti-smacking side concede loss likely
http://www.stuff.co.nz/national/politics/2773068/Anti-smacking-side-concede-loss-likely Anti-smacking side concede loss likely By MICHAEL FOX – Stuff.co.nz HOT ISSUE: Larry Baldock with boxes of petitions in 2008. The petition, circulated nationwide, led to the referendum. Campaigners on both sides of the smacking debate believe a referendum result due out tonight will be a victory for those who opposed a controversial 2007…
Smacking question is clear enough
http://www.odt.co.nz/opinion/opinion/70140/smacking-question-clear-enough?page=0%2C0 Smacking question is clear enough Tue, 18 Aug 2009 Rex Ahdar takes issue with the idea that the “smacking” referendum is ambiguous and confusing. Unless you have been living in the Fiordland bush for the last few years, or have just arrived from Latvia, you would readily understand the fateful sentence in its cultural…