Tag: CIR Petition
New report shows police are wasting their time
Kiwi Party Leader and organiser of the petition for a referendum on the Anti-smacking law said the new law is simply wasting the police’s time. The Prime Minister has claimed that the police report proves nothing much has changed. “In part I agree with her,” said Mr Baldock. The police report does not reveal any…
Govt creating renegade generation
THE FAMILY PARTY http://www.thefamilyparty.org.nz Govt creating renegade generation 24 June 2008. The Family Party is calling on the Prime Minister to acknowledge the concerns of the majority of New Zealanders by holding the smacking referendum at the General Election. In today’s NZ Herald Prime Minister Helen Clark has virtually ruled out a referendum on smacking…
Plenty of time to organise a referendum
Hi Everyone, Kiwi Party leader and organiser of the petition for a referendum on the anti-smacking law Larry Baldock says there is plenty of time to hold the referendum at this years election. “Claims by the Prime Minister reported in the Herald today that there is not enough time to get things organised are ridiculous,”…
Michael laws on Radio Live right now
Michael laws is on Radio Live right now. Ring in now about the CIR Referendum. Make your voice known about having the Referendum at the same time as the elections. The question being asked here this morning is “Have you changed how you discipline your children since Section 59 has been amended.” You can listen…
CIR Petition dates
http://www.stuff.co.nz/4593757a10.html “The Office of the Clerk will check the petition over the next two months and if the threshold was met the Government would have one month to name a date.” 23 June – 23 Aug – Clerk will check the petition 23 Aug – 23 Sept – Government would have one month to name…
Large Stack of Signatures Confirms Referendum at Election
MEDIA RELEASE 23 June 2008 (petition to be presented on steps of Parliament at 12.30pm) Large Stack of Signatures Confirms Referendum at Election Family First NZ says that the extra ‘stack’ of signatures on the petition opposing the anti-smacking law and being presented at Parliament today confirms that the politicians failed to listen to the…
CIR Petition to be presented today
CIR Petition to be presented on steps of Parliament at 12.30pm today
Family First confident of smacking law referendum
http://www.nzherald.co.nz/section/1/story.cfm?c_id=1&objectid=10517590 http://www.newstalkzb.co.nz/newsdetail1.asp?storyID=139400 7:47AM Saturday June 21, 2008 The Smacking Debate Family First is confident it now has enough signatures to force a referendum on the anti-smacking law. This weekend marks the first anniversary of Sue Bradford’s controversial legislation. In April, the group’s petition failed as it was short of 18,000 valid signatures. But Family First…