Tag: Survey
Green Party Misinterprets and Misrepresents Research on Anti-smacking Law
Green Party Misinterprets and Misrepresents Research on Anti-smacking Law Green MP Sue Bradford has tried to say that our research on attitudes to the highly unpopular anti-smacking law shows that the number of people smacking has decreased, but she’s comparing ‘apples’ with ‘oranges’. Last year (just before the law came into force), we asked ALL…
Smacking Poll – NZ’ers Don’t Want to ‘Move On’
MEDIA RELEASE 26 MAY 2008 Smacking Poll – NZ’ers Don’t Want to ‘Move On’ More than half of our mums with young children flouting the law A year after the passing of the controversial anti-smacking law, opposition to the law change is growing. These are the key finding of research commissioned by Family First NZ,…