National Director
Family Integrity
PO Box 9064
Palmerston North 4441
New Zealand
Ph: (06) 357-4399
Fax: (06) 357-4389
Our Home….Our Castle
Our Home….Our Castle
Craig, thank you.
We’re still praying desperately for NZ,
and continue to talk to other families about moving down.
There are many who want to consider it, but wonder about NZ’s short term future.
One concern: the lack of a basic grasp of reform and the need for reform to be biblical in design.
Breetvelt’s idea might be pragmatic for a short term solution, but it’s a Greek solution, not Biblical. It will lead to all the disasters of ‘democracy’ that the American founders predicted. Does he not understand what the American framers were getting at in trying to restore a biblical foundation rather than a revolutionary Greek system similar to what France adopted at the same time.
He is advocating another French system of democracy.
The preference of the majority cannot be the standard for legislation. God’s wisdom must be, or the nation will remain under God’s chastisement.
Pragmatically, his system is the preferred globalist system of government. They would love to have his system on the books.
Simply run NZ students through another four years of government globalist education, and easily 51 percent of NZ voters will want everything the anti-Christian globalists want.
May the Lord have mercy on us.
Special Edition Newsletter from Our Free Land
Elections are now less than 2 months away. To me there is just one issue on which we as New Zealanders must vote – the preservation of democracy – or, to put it another way, governmental accountability. Please click on this link: to view “THE ONE BILL”. This just may be our one chance of preserving our democratic freedoms in NZ.
Please pass this on to as many people as possible, if you consider democracy in NZ to be worth protecting.
For the preservation of democracy in NZ,
Mark Breetvelt
From: Craig Hill []
Hi All,
Watch This Space, Pro-Life Action
It’s been a little while since our last email contact, but we are now in a position to announce that Unity for Liberty will be hosting the concept of
Liberty for the Unborn.
Current status, the web site where Unity for Liberty will be hosting “Liberty for the Unborn” should be up and running in approximately a month from now.
The concept of “Liberty for the Unborn” is to firstly help create a culture within the life of the Christian audience that is aimed to develop a higher awareness of the issues surrounding the unborn. With the ultimate goal of bringing a clear message of concern to the wider public.
Sounds like hard work?
NO, not really and with no real strings attached.
All the details will be on the upcoming web site, however we can inform you a little about what you should expect.
This web site will provide a neutral zone “Prayer Room”. Through this Prayer Room we will release updates concerning what is currently happening within the Pro-Life arena and also “Liberty for the Unborn” activities. You will need to register to receive these Prayer Requests.
Must Read. Below is a press release from “Right to Life”, our Prayer updates will include these types of messages (a brief description with a link to a main story).
The severity of this message has prompted me to release this email update concerning “Liberty for the Unborn” for your attention, there is a real battle raging at present in which we should all be very much aware.
Craig Hill
PS When the new web site is functioning registration will be required to receive updates, the mail list for Unity for Liberty will remain at U4L and not be used for “Liberty for the Unborn”. We will send out the odd update before then so you may have a sample of what to expect.
021 746 113
All that is necessary for evil to succeed is for good men to do nothing (Edmund Burke 1728-1797)
Right to Life’s Release
11 September 2008
Media Release
Government Imposes Secrecy on the Identity of Appointees to Abortion Advisory Committee
The Ministry of Justice has refused a request under the Official Information Act to provide the names and qualifications of persons appointed by the Abortion Supervisory Committee to a new advisory committee. Right to Life is disappointed that its request for this information has been refused. It represents a serious threat to our civil liberties. The public have a right in a free society to know who are appointed to government bodies and to know what their qualifications are. The secret members of this committee are appointed by the Abortion Supervisory Committee under the authority of the Contraception Sterilisation and Abortion Act. Members are paid for their services from the public purse.
The Prime Minister the Right Honourable Helen Clark consistently maintains that government should be open and transparent. It is an outrage that her government is now denying the people of New Zealand the right to know who these secret members are and what there qualifications are.
The Standards Committee is very important; its duty is to develop standards for the provision of abortion services in New Zealand. These standards could influence the lawfulness of abortions and affect the health and welfare of vulnerable women and the lives of their unborn children. The Abortion Supervisory Committee is deliberately ignoring a High Court judgment that put the Committee on notice for failing to fulfil its statutory duties. Justice Miller in the High Court in his judgment on 9 June stated that; “there is reason to doubt the lawfulness of many abortions authorised by certifying consultants. Indeed, the Committee itself has stated that the law is being used more liberally than Parliament intended.” Is the Committee now using secrecy to appoint doctors to this important Standards Committee who are responsible for unlawful abortion on demand?
It is imperative that the persons appointed to this Standards Committee are committed to implementing the judgment of Justice Miller by stopping the current unlawful abortion on demand, ensuring that abortions are lawful and that certifying consultants are not using mental health grounds to provide abortion on demand. It is important that persons appointed are committed to protecting the health and welfare of women and ensuring that the right to life of unborn children receives the full protection of the law. Right to Life calls upon the Minister of Justice to release to the public the names of the persons appointed to the abortion Standards Committee.
Ken Orr
Right to Life New Zealand Inc.
Phone 03 3856111
The Dominion Post | Friday, 22 August 2008
Opponents of the anti-smacking law change are celebrating after collecting enough signatures to force a referendum.
Kiwi Party leader and petition organiser Larry Baldock said today that the petition had been certified by the Clerk of the House as having enough valid signatures.
“This is great news and a huge victory,” he said.
When the petition was originally handed to the Clerk on February 29, 285,027 valid signatures were needed. It failed because too many were ruled to be invalid.
This time, around 310,000 signatures were valid – 25,000 more than required to force a referendum.
The referendum will be on the question: “should a smack as part of good parental correction be a criminal offence in New Zealand?”
Mr Baldock called for the refendum to be held with this year’s election.
“None of the reasons being given by the Prime Minister for delaying it make any sense at all, and are simply a tactic for her to try and avoid this being an election issue. She will not drown out the voice of the people and should realise there is no point further angering everyone by delaying the inevitable.”
In June, Helen Clark said it was unlikely the referendum could be held with the election.
“Just in terms of sheer organisation I don’t think that is possible.”
Ministers cited advice from electoral officials that the last time a referendum was held it had confused voters, slowed down the count and to so again would be a logistical nightmare.
They said there was little difference in cost between holding a postal ballot separately and the extra resources need to run a referendum on election day.
Ms Harris said the petition would be presented to Parliament on August 26 and the Government had one month to name a date for a referendum or say a postal ballot will be held.
The vote must be held within a year of its presentation to Parliament.
The legislation, which was drafted by Green MP Sue Bradford, amended section 59 of the Crimes Act to remove the defence of reasonable force for parents who physically discipline their children.
It was backed by Labour and eventually National supported the legislation after an amendment gave police discretion to judge whether a reported offence warranted prosecution.
Craig Smith
National Director
Family Integrity
PO Box 9064
Palmerston North 4441
New Zealand
Ph: (06) 357-4399
Fax: (06) 357-4389
Our Home….Our Castle
Hi All,
It’s been a little while, I’m sure we are all waiting in anticipation for the final count.
Final result will be approx 23rd-24th of this month. This result will be delivered to the Governor General who will probably sit on it for a month before passing it on to the Prime Minister. Rest assured that both the statistician and Governor General will use all of the allotted time allocated by the law.
If I am correct it will take six whole weeks to complete a mathematical equation, deliver the result to the Governor General who then passes it on to the Prime Minister. But then what else do we expect from Wellington.
Now for the Exciting News,
In a recent e-mail, we mentioned that Unity for Liberty was working to create awareness in another area of concern.
We are now in a position to release a snippet of information, the area of concern regards the Pro-Life Arena.
Recently, we have been in discussion with, and were able to present our proposal to, several Pro-Life organizations. The current situation, is that we have been given a green light to pursue and develop our proposal.
Watch This Space
Unity for Liberty will release more information soon, as we are further developing this proposal along with our web site.
Thank You for your patience.
Craig Hill
All that is necessary for evil to succeed is for good men to do nothing” (Edmund Burke 1729-1797)
Hi All,
A quick update, did you notice how quick off the mark our Prime Minister was to deny a referendum on election day? Clearly this was a tactic to defuse any hype/expectations held from the voting public in regards to the final signature count which will confirm a referendum.
We need to keep turning up the heat.
I encourage you to consider supporting the following request below, the truth needs to be heard. (Could you also forward this request on to others, thanks)
Also, if you are not already on Family First’s mailing list, then one can only say “you’re missing out”. I have personally been very encouraged by the work of Family First and we do recommend you receive their email updates.
Thanks again,
Craig Hill
PS, There is also list of cases below.
All that is necessary for evil to succeed is for good men to do nothing” (Edmund Burke 1729-1797)
![]() |
20 Jul 2008
Myth #1 : There have been no prosecutions under the new anti-smacking law
Myth #2 : The anti-smacking law has not resulted in good parents being investigated and interrogated by the police or CYF
NZ’ers deserve to be
told the truth.
$3,500 raised! – total needed $10,000
by the end of Tuesday in order to get nationwide coverage at the weekend.
If you would like to invest in helping us ‘SLEDGEHAMMER THE MYTHS’
(All donations qualify for the 33% tax donation rebate.)
Thanks for your support and consideration. We must do all we can to defend the role of parents and the well-being of our children and families in NZ.
Bob McCoskrie
National Director
We have evidence of a number of examples that expose these myths, including:
* a father separated from his 2 kids for 6 months by CYF because of malicious claims by mother that he had smacked them – CYF eventually reallowed access but only due to a strong supporter who knew the system
* a father prosecuted and convicted because of pushing the upper arm of his daughter 2-3 times and demanding she listen to her mother
* a grandfather prosecuted and convicted because of tipping his defiant grandson out of a bean bag-type chair to get him moving
* a father dragged through the court process only to turn up to the court case and the police to admit they had no evidence
* a stepfather who physically restrained the arms of his stepdaughter being interrogated for 2 hours almost 7 months after the incident, and 6 months later still not knowing the outcome
* a CYFS Community Panel Board member telling Family First “I can say without a doubt, that in my time I have seen a small but a definite increase in ‘good’ parents being investigated by our CYFS case workers – up to 5% of our cases. Any child who mentions to a school teacher that they have been smacked or touched in any physical way is brought under investigation and their names are indelibly logged onto our data base as a potential ‘abuser’ . I really feel sorry for these ‘good parents’ because of the fear that we as an organisation now engendering upon their parenting practise. Sadly good parents are being lumped in together with the really bad ones.”
It is the Littlies organisation,, who has the poll showing massive opposition still to the law repealing Section 59. Good on them! The poll is still operating, by the way, in case you’d like to vote.
Our Home….Our Castle
One year on, do you think the anti-smacking Bill has proved to be effective?
Yes (8%)
No (83%)
Unsure (9%)
They just can’t make that 83% AGAINST repealing Section 59 go away…even one year on!!
Craig Smith