Collecting signatures for the CIR – Section 59
*Wayne is keen to swamp the All Black test match against Ireland, all
hands on deck would be much appreciated.
Wayne can be contacted on
The big push is happening in Auckland,
Our big push starts with the Warriors game on Friday night, ticket sales
start at 2pm and the gates open at 5pm, our intention is to start
gathering from 2pm onwards. If we could muster 20 or 30 folk there is no
reason why we could not realize 2-3000 sigs in the one evening.
All areas
Saturday, I encourage the targeting of your local sports fields, we had
a great response from Papakura last week. If you feel a little
apprehensive about this then the irony is that you are probably the
right person for the job. We have found the best and most successful
approach has been a “quiet excuse me sir/madam, we have a petition you
would like to sign”, works 99.9% of the time.
Saturday night, you can use your imagination, I intend on visiting a few
of the local bars.
Auckland the weekend of June 7 & 8 through to June 14th June.
It will be tables on footpaths in normal shopping areas, (not malls) for a
few hours everyday over lunchtimes. Can I please hear from anyone who
could volunteer some time for this in Auckland
Craig Hill
You can contact me on mobile 021746113
Hamilton to include efforts at Mystery Creek June 11-14th
Larry Baldock

021 86 4833
All areas and other people
It would be fabulous if we all collected what we can over the next three weeks and we were surprised that our total could even grow to 390,000 to match the number in the film ‘Amazing Grace’ where William Wilberforce rolled out the petition in the House of Commons and shouted, “No matter how loud you shout you will not drown out the voice of the people!”
If everyone reading this could spend even 1 hour at a table on the street and collect just another 40 signatures we could do it!
Let’s make sure they hear us!
Remember to ask if people have already signed. No duplicates!
The CIR Petition
With only two weeks till we have to submit the petition back to the Clerk of the House to check for validity, NOW is the time to sign in order to have some democracy over the “anti-smacking” law.
Please go NOW to
Download the petition + FaQ (3 pages)
Download the petition only (1 page)
and print it, sign it, and post them into P.O. Box 9228 Greerton, Tauranga.
Also you could email your friends and family and ask them to sign it, or alternatively take it into work. You will be amazed by the positive response. Or do both