Tag: CIR Petition
More Support for Referendum
http://republicans.org.nz/2008/mt-albert-launch-wayne-hawkins/ Remember Sue Bradford’s amendment to the Crimes Act, the anti smacking bill? Eighty per cent of you said you didn’t want it. So what did the parliamentarians do? They passed it against your wishes. That bill should have gone to a binding National Referendum. You should have a chance to have your say. If…
People Should Have A Say On Anti-Smacking Law
Immediate Release: Tuesday, June 24 2008 People Should Have A Say On Anti-Smacking Law Prime Minister Helen Clark is completely wrong to prevent New Zealanders from having a vote on Labour’s controversial anti-smacking legislation, ACT Leader Rodney Hide said today. “The anti-smacking law has clearly failed to stop child abuse – just as ACT said…
Anti-smacking referendum timing (2)
From: http://www.stephenfranks.co.nz/?p=452 So the PM says she will get the Governor General to order that a postal poll be held next year. Parliament can stymie that scheme too. Section 22AB allows a majority vote in Parliament to require that the last day of postal voting be the date of the general election. The words are…
John Armstrong: Election needn’t delay smacking referendum
http://www.nzherald.co.nz/section/466/story.cfm?c_id=466&objectid=10518214 Wednesday June 25, 2008 By John Armstrong Your Views Do you support another attempt at a referendum on child discipline laws? Send us Your Views Read Your Views Register for Your Views The Smacking Debate Key backs election smacking referendum Unless the Prime Minister is planning to go to the country much earlier than…
Key calls for smacking referendum
http://www.odt.co.nz/news/politics/10790/key-calls-smacking-referendum?page=0%2C1 National leader John Key says if campaigners get enough support to force a referendum on so-called smacking laws, the referendum should be held at this year’s election. Prime Minister Helen Clark yesterday indicated a referendum was unlikely to be held at this year’s election, even if campaigners had enough signatures on their petition, because…
390,000+ signatures
Re-Presentation to Parliament of Petition against the ‘anti-smacking/anti-correction law’. June 23rd, 2008. 390,000+ signatures