Tag: CYFs
Who can protect our children?
http://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/news/article.cfm?c_id=1&objectid=10591094&pnum=0 Who can protect our children? 4:00AM Sunday Aug 16, 2009 By David Fisher Our state services fail to protect some of New Zealand’s most severely abused children and allow them to be “revictimised”, according to research published in an international medical journal. It says the child protection system could be seen as a “poorly…
CYF boss apologies after parents go public – not for wrongdoing, but because those his department hassled were “upset”.
FROM Big News blog – read the comments on Big News as well: http://big-news.blogspot.com/2009/07/cyf-boss-apologies-after-parents-go.html CYF boss apologies after parents go public – not for wrongdoing, but because those his department hassled were “upset”. A parent tells how he smacked his child “I grabbed hold of her ankle and smacked her bottom” Two of his fingers…
CYFS probe traumatises family
http://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/news/article.cfm?c_id=1&objectid=10586993 CYFS probe traumatises family 4:00AM Tuesday Jul 28, 2009 By Simon Collins Erik was investigated by Child, Youth and Family Services after he smacked daughter Abigail. Your Views Have you changed your habits since the smacking law? Tell us your stories Send us Your Views Read Your Views Register for Your Views The Smacking…
Parents Still Flouting Smacking Law – And Still Opposing It
MEDIA RELEASE 25 July 2009 Parents Still Flouting Smacking Law – And Still Opposing It Family First NZ says that the latest research on parental discipline by Digipoll shows that parents are continuing to flout the law and that the opposition to it remains at its high level. “Parents are ignoring the law because they…
England: ‘Evil destruction’ of a happy family
http://www.telegraph.co.uk/comment/columnists/christopherbooker/5858902/Evil-destruction-of-a-happy-family.html ‘Evil destruction’ of a happy family A system involving social workers, police and courts took a child away from loving parents for no apparent reason, writes Christopher Booker. By Christopher Booker Published: 5:48PM BST 18 Jul 2009 Comments 287 | Comment on this article Two weeks ago I reported as shocking a story as…
$9 Million Found To Cover Referendum
MEDIA RELEASE 1 July 2009 $9 Million Found To Cover Referendum Family First NZ says that Treasury figures reveal that $52 million has been budgeted for social policy advice for the financial year and that only a portion of this is needed to cover the cost of the Referendum. “The upcoming Referendum is simply an…
Referendum Cost Unfortunate Outcome of Political ‘Deafness’
MEDIA RELEASE 28 June 2009 Referendum Cost Unfortunate Outcome of Political ‘Deafness’ Family First NZ is not surprised by a poll today that says that 77% of NZ’ers think the Referendum is a waste of money, and says that the government should save the taxpayer $9 million on a postal referendum and simply fix the…
Anti-smacking law insult to Tino-Rangatiratanga
Anti-smacking law insult to Tino-Rangatiratanga Friday, 26 June 2009, 11:51 am Anti-smacking legislation counterproductive and an insult to Tino-Rangatiratanga Peter Tashkoff, Spokesperson for Maori issues Anti-smacking legislation is not simply useless, but is in fact making the problem worse. What’s more it is an insult to Tino-Rangatiratanga of whanau, ACT New Zealand Maori Issues Spokesperson…
CONFUSED? You soon will be For the past 72 hours, politicians and commentators have screemed that the Referendum question is confusing “Should a smack as part of good parental correction be a criminal offence in NZ” It seems pretty clear to us! The law currently says that a good parent raising great kids who uses…
PM Won’t Hear Evidence He Wants On Smacking Law
MEDIA RELEASE 17 June 2009 PM Won’t Hear Evidence He Wants On Smacking Law Family First NZ is again asking the Prime Minister to meet with them to view cases of good parents being prosecuted under the anti-smacking law. “In Parliament today, John Key said ‘I have given New Zealand parents a commitment that if…