Tag: Family Party

  • PM Attempting to Shut Down Referendum Debate

    MEDIA RELEASE 18 June 2009 PM Attempting to Shut Down Referendum Debate Family First NZ is annoyed with comments by the Prime Minister John Key that he will ignore the results of the upcoming anti-smacking Referendum and will not be allowing Families Commissioner Christine Rankin to enter the debate. “The Referendum is an expensive exercise…

  • Home discipline still a hot topic

    Home discipline still a hot topic 4:00AM Saturday Oct 25, 2008 By Carroll du Chateau The debate has yet to die down. Photo / BOP Times Election ’08: Party policies in detail The Smacking Debate What the parties say about the smacking law In a year when the morals and ethics of our political parties…

  • Richard Lewis Speech To ‘NZ Forum On The Family

    Tuesday, 9 September 2008, 9:55 am Speech: The Family Party www.familyparty.org.nz Richard Lewis Speech To ‘NZ Forum On The Family’ Kia ora ladies and gentlemen, On behalf of the Family Party, I want to thank you for this opportunity to bring something of our message to you today. It’s great to see so many people…

  • Govt creating renegade generation

    THE FAMILY PARTY http://www.thefamilyparty.org.nz Govt creating renegade generation 24 June 2008. The Family Party is calling on the Prime Minister to acknowledge the concerns of the majority of New Zealanders by holding the smacking referendum at the General Election. In today’s NZ Herald Prime Minister Helen Clark has virtually ruled out a referendum on smacking…

  • Comments on TVNZ Online eye-to-eye: debate

    https://familyintegrity.org.nz/2008/tvnz-online-eye-to-eye-debate/ Well…I’ve watched this Eye2Eye program. It’s the usual useless sort of TV setup that uses a ‘crisis’ as a means of entertainment and solves nothing. Anyway…yes, Christine and Richard landed some good hits and got a bit of clarity, but at the end they both fell into a Marxist semantic trap, and unbeknown to…

  • TVNZ Online-eye to eye: debate

    Hi Family Integrity I thought you might be interested in this debate broadcast on Sunday TV1 Eye to Eye. It involves Christine Rankin and Richard Lewis against Sue Bradford and Paora Maxwell on child abuse and the anti smacking law. I think Rankin and Lewis do a particularly good job. It can be viewed from…