Author: HEF Admin

  • Section 59 old and new

    Old Section 59:

    Every parent of a child and…every

    person in the place of the parent of

    a child is justified in using force by

    way of correction towards the child, if

    the force used is reasonable in the


    New Section 59:

    Parental Control

    (1) Every parent of a child and every

    person in the place of a parent of the

    child is justified in using force if the

    force used is reasonable in the

    circumstances and is for the purpose of —

    (a) preventing or minimising harm to the child or another person; or

    (b) preventing the child from engaging or continuing to engage in conduct that amounts to a criminal offence; or

    (c) preventing the child from engaging or continuing to engage in offensive or disuptive behaviour; or

    (d) performing the normal daily tasks that are incidental to good care and parenting.

    (2) Nothing in subsection (1) or

    in any rule of common law

    justifies the use of force for the

    purpose of correction.

    (3) Subsection (2) prevails over

    subsection (1).

    (4) To avoid doubt it is affirmed that police have the discretion not to prosecute complaints against parents of any child, or those standing in place of any child, in relation to an offence involving the use of force against a child where the offence is considered to be so inconsequential that there is no public interest in pursuing a prosecution.

  • Labour Party Conference: MPs would oppose any smacking ban – UK

    Labour Party Conference:

    MPs would oppose any smacking ban

    Children & Young People Now
    24 September 2008

    Children’s Secretary Ed Balls has voiced his opposition to a ban on smacking children and said the majority of MPs would not support a ban if there was ever a free vote in Parliament on the matter.

  • Family Integrity #430 — The Kiwi Party’s 1st Fifteen – policies, LIVE on Youtube!

    25 September 2008 Family Integrity #430 — The Kiwi Party’s 1st Fifteen – policies, LIVE on Youtube!

    Dear All,
    For your information.
    Craig Smith

    The Kiwi Party’s 1st Fifteen – policies,

    LIVE on Youtube!

    Click on links below to view Gordon

    Copland, MP, addressing policy.

    Feel free to ‘cut and paste and pass along’ the information in this email to those on your mailing list, or to any web discussion groups you are on, or simply forward to others.

    Or, if talking to others, tell them to type ‘Kiwi Party’s 1st 15′ in the YouTube ( search box to access all videos.

    No 1

    Length – 03:17

    Repeal of the ‘anti-smacking law’, and establishing a Royal Commission to investigate family breakdown.

    No 2

    Length – 02:57

    Establishing lower thresholds for, and making referenda binding.

    No 3

    Length – 02:57

    Repeal of law legalizing and legitimizing prostitution.

    No 4

    Length – 04:48


    No 5

    Length – 04:03

    Increase minimum wage to $15/hr and provide tax credits to employers.

    No 6

    Income splitting for married couples, and GST off Rates.

    Length – 02:47

    No 7

    Length – 03:42

    Housing affordability.

    No 8

    Length – 03:12

    Promoting and aiding strong marriages and families.

    No 9

    Length – 02:30

    Education – funding follows students.

    No 10

    Length – 03:19

    Alcohol and drugs.

    No 11

    Length – 03:03

    Justice – Law and Order – Victim Restoration to become primary focus of sentencing, plus longer, non-parole sentences for serious crime.

    No 12

    Length – 02:22

    Health and hospital waiting lists…

    No 13

    Length – 04:46

    Right of access to outdoors, and total ban on 1080.

    No 14

    Length – 04:07


    No 15

    Length – 05:01

    Climate change, Kyoto, and the Emissions Trading Scheme.

  • MP Gets Told By Voters to Change Anti-Smacking Law

    18 September 2008
    MP Gets Told By Voters to Change Anti-Smacking Law
    Family First NZ says that a survey on attitudes to the anti-smacking law by Invercargill MP Eric Roy showing huge opposition to the anti-smacking law is indicative of the NZ-wide sentiment.
    The survey, which was reported in the Southland Times today, and completed by almost 12,000 people revealed that 83% wanted the anti-smacking law overturned. Ironically, Eric Roy voted for the anti-smacking law.
    “Attempts to suggest that NZ’ers need to move on and that opposition to the law change is decreasing are simply not true,” says Bob McCoskrie, National Director of Family First NZ.
    “This law was fundamentally flawed because it implicated good parents raising good kids, and has failed to do anything to deal with the real causes of child abuse – factors such as methamphetamine (P) use, alcohol abuse, family breakdown, poverty and a lack of support services for parents under stress.”
    “The big question is whether the politicians are now willing to listen to the voters, or will MP’s continue to tell parents how to raise their kids because they know better,” says Mr McCoskrie.
    “We don’t really need a referendum – we simply need politicians willing to listen to what voters clearly want.”
    For More Information and Media Interviews, contact Family First:
    Tel. 09 261 2426 | Mob. 027 55 555 42

  • MP’s survey shows concerns

    MP’s survey shows concerns

    By NICOLA KEAN – The Southland Times | Thursday, 18 September 2008

    A survey by Invercargill MP Eric Roy shows a majority of Invercargill residents want to bring back smacking and ban cellphone use in cars.

    The survey was sent to 21,500 homes in Invercargill and asked questions on issues from health to a passenger train service.

    Almost 12,000 responses had come back and random sampling had been used to come up with statistics, Mr Roy said.

    A total of 83 percent of people responding to the survey wanted to repeal the “anti-smacking” legislation removing a legal defence for parents to hit their children.

    About 93 percent thought cellphone use in cars should be banned and 57 percent supported a passenger train service out of Invercargill.

    The survey was an annual event to keep an eye on the community’s views, he said.

    “I kind of need that stuff when we have debates in caucus about where we should go.” Clutha-Southland MP Bill English said he also surveyed constituents annually.

    Respondents were concerned about personal security, changing consumption patterns because of rising costs and broadband access.

    About 95 percent believed there should be student loan write-offs for health professionals bonded to stay in New Zealand.

  • ACT will repeal the anti-smacking legislation


    On Kiwiblog today, there was a comment that ACT were only interested in “slogans not policy”… which of course I don’t agree is true. However Rodney (what other political party leader would be bothered to write a rebuttal??) got online and posted these words of wisdom:

    I am not an expert on law and order policy. I realise its the number one job of government to keep us safe and secure from the thugs and bullies — and to back us up when we defend ourselves. I have listened to the debates in Parliament and concluded the MPs and bureaucrats have no answers, just more of the same.

    That’s why I enlisted the help of Garth McVicar of Sensible Sentencing Trust and Peter Low from the Asian Anti-Crime Group. They have helped ACT a lot with policy.

    Roger Douglas has taught me that it is not enough simply to care. You need policies that will deliver results. And people who can deliver the policy.

    That’s why we have worked so hard on this one with so many different groups. Garth has been a great help. And it was a huge bonus to be able to attract David Garret to stand at list place number five. He’s the most impressive speaker on law and order I have heard.

    A key policy is the SST’s three strikes and your out. It’s been drafted by David Garrett. It will work. We have committed an extra billion a year to keeping our streets safe.

    And no, it doesn’t include smacking. Besides, ACT will repeal the anti-smacking legislation following the referendum.

    ACT has worked hard to have credible fiscal policy. We have done the same in education. I am especially proud of the work on law and order. I know of no other party that has done the work we have or who are offering a genuine alternative this election.

    It was especially heartening to have Garth McVicar and Peter Low speak at our law and order launch.

  • Website Shows Voting Record on Family Issues


    21 September 2008

    Website Shows Voting Record on Family Issues

    Family First NZ has today launched a website highlighting the conscience and family related bills voted on over the past 6 years, and how each MP and political party has voted.

    The website is and has an accompanying pamphlet.

    “Over the past six years there have been a number of law changes voted on by our politicians specifically impacting the welfare of kiwi families, and the role of parents and marriage,” says Bob McCoskrie, National Director of Family First NZ. “Some of these laws – like the anti-smacking law, the Care of Children Act and the ‘parental notification’ law (relating to abortion) – have undermined the important role parents play in their children’s lives.”

    “Others – like the Civil Unions Act, Relationships Act, and the lack of support for the Marriage Amendment Bill – have weakened and attempted to redefine the traditional family structure, ignoring the mass body of research which shows that family structure and marriage is hugely beneficial, not only for children, but for adults and families as well.”

    “And laws – such as the decriminalisation of prostitution, the euthanasia bill, the Easter trading laws, and Parliament’s refusal to raise the drinking age – have failed to take into account what is best for the welfare and safety of families.”

    The website allows voters to see how their local MP and each political party has voted on these important social issues.

    “Despite many of them being conscience votes, in many cases, there seems to be a ‘collective conscience’!,” says Mr McCoskrie. “But most concerning of all has been the inability of MPs to hear the wishes and concerns of NZ families – for example, surveys showed that over 70% wanted the drinking age raised to 20, approximately 83% opposed the anti-smacking bill, and over 71% believed that a parent should be informed if a girl under 16 goes to a doctor to seek an abortion.”

    “Families deserve laws that strengthen and protect them – not ones that redefine and undermine them according to politically correct ideology. We hope this record of how our members of parliament voted on important family-based legislation will help voters make an informed decision of who to vote for at Election ’08.”


    For More Information and Media Interviews, contact Family First:

    Bob McCoskrie – National Director

    Mob. 027 55 555 42

  • CYF girl’s death provokes inquiry

    CYF girl’s death provokes inquiry

    4:00AM Saturday Sep 20, 2008
    By Elizabeth Binning

    An investigation is under way after a distraught 12-year-old girl died in Child Youth and Family care, less than a month after she was allegedly abused by a caregiver.

    The girl was found dead in a North Shore home by a younger sibling. Police say there were no suspicious circumstances and the case has now been referred to the Coroner.

    But the girl’s extended family are upset she was put into the care of a man who molested her and the fact it took four days for CYF to remove her once the allegations were made.

    The girl and her seven siblings were put into the care of a Northland family 2 1/2 years ago.

    Her father, who had supervised visits, told the Weekend Herald one of his sons accused the caregiver of hitting the children about two years ago but CYF never did anything about it.

    “We were always telling CYF that these caregivers were hurting our kids,” he said. “They said they would go and investigate it. They came back and said we were lying and the kids were making it up.”

    At the beginning of last month the girl told her father, during another supervised visit, that she was being abused by her caregiver.

    The father told the CYF case worker about the allegations that day but nothing happened. “He said, ‘I’m sorry to hear this but it’s only alleged’. I told him he can take us to the police – we had no vehicles to get there – and he said, ‘We’ll keep it internal and we’ll deal with it ourselves’.”

    Under agreed protocol the girl should have been immediately removed from the caregiver and police notified. But it is understood neither happened as the social worker did not alert anyone that weekend.

    By Monday, unhappy with the lack of action, the father went to his local MP and the police. CYF was also renotified. It was not until Tuesday that the children were all removed from the Northland family’s care.

    Because of the large number of siblings the girl and her 7-year-old sister were separated from the others and sent to a home in Auckland, which her family claim added to her distress. She was suffering from the abuse and had the added pressure of feeling responsible for separating her siblings.

    Last Saturday her younger sister found her dead in their bedroom.

    CYF deputy chief executive Ray Smith said the staff involved in the case were “devastated” and their deepest sympathies went to the family.

    “As always when a child in our care dies we will look into whether everything possible had been done to protect them from harm.

    “Allegations raised against one of the caregivers resulted in the matter being referred to the police … and the children were immediately removed while investigations occurred.”

    The family say the removal was not immediate as the case worker was told on the Friday and the children weren’t taken away until the Tuesday.

    The girl’s grandmother said she hoped her granddaughter’s death would result in changes within CYF.

    “Maybe she was giving her life to make life safer for others.”


    Also see “Nature or Nuture” (pp. 10-1, 13-14) Herald Weekend Supplement. At the end of June 2008 4522 youngsters were in the care of CYF. The annual bill for looking after them rns to $778 milion and about 3/4 of that is spent on children in foster care. (p. 11)