Category: Section 59 – The Bill
Post-Cabinet press conference on the “smacking” referendum
Added 24 August. Press conference. Source: Post-Cabinet press conference on Maori seats in the Auckland “super city” and the “smacking” referendum
Key: I won’t ignore smacking vote
Key: I won’t ignore smacking vote By TRACY WATKINS – The Dominion Post Last updated 17:18 24/08/2009 Referendum Condemns Law LATEST: Prime Minister John Key has unveiled a compromise option on the so-called anti-smacking law after it was overwhelmingly rejected in a referendum. Mr Key took a series of proposals to Cabinet today following…
Cabinet Ministers Swamped With Emails
Keep your emails going into the Prime Minister and his cabinet. Two links to help with this: Here are the addresses to write to: Here is an idea about what to say: we totally endorse Larry Baldock’s suggestion of merely repealing two clauses of the current act, rather than pass a new Bill…
Key mulling smacking options Key mulling smacking options (2:48
The anti-smacking law: Only a law change is morally acceptable
From beretta-online The anti-smacking law: Only a law change is morally acceptable 4 Comments NZ Prime Minister John Key is saying that he takes the referendum outcome seriously, and that he wants to reassure parents that they will not be investigated or prosecuted just for smacking a child. See the story here. Police and Child…
The opponents of the anti-smacking law outnumber the supporters of ANY New Zealand government
The opponents of the anti-smacking law outnumber the supporters of ANY New Zealand government I (Beretta Blog) spotted this over at Kiwiblog today: 1,420,959 – Voted no to treating correctional smacking as a criminal offence 1,053,398 – 2008 Voted for National when they won the election 935,319 – 2005 Voted for Labour when they won…
Putting the referendum result in context
From The Briefing Room: via by iwishart on 8/21/09 It has been said that the overall turnout (54%) in the smacking referendum provides no mandate. If this were true, no city or regional council has a mandate to govern today and all should resign pending a fresh election, as those results are decided on…
They did not drown out the voice of the people! So what now?
The Kiwi Party Press Release Kiwi Party Leader and referendum petition organiser Larry Baldock was thrilled by the provisional results released tonight by Chief Electoral Office. “My wife and I spent 18 months travelling through this country three times listening to people from all walks of life as they signed the petition on street corners,…