Tag: Kiwi Party
PM between a rock and a hard place
The Kiwi Party Press Release Kiwi Party leader Larry Baldock welcomed the news that John Boscawen’s bill was drawn from the Ballot only one day after the Chief Electoral Office released the final results of the referendum. This is good news for all those who want to see a smack no longer a criminal offence…
They did not drown out the voice of the people! So what now?
The Kiwi Party Press Release Kiwi Party Leader and referendum petition organiser Larry Baldock was thrilled by the provisional results released tonight by Chief Electoral Office. “My wife and I spent 18 months travelling through this country three times listening to people from all walks of life as they signed the petition on street corners,…
Key says no to changing smacking law
Key says no to changing smacking law http://www.stuff.co.nz/national/politics/2776861/Key-says-no-to-changing-smacking-law By TOM FITZSIMONS, COLIN ESPINER and CLIO FRANCIS – The Dominion Post Smacking referendum results by electorates Pro-smacking campaigners are calling on the Government to fast-track a law change to allow parents to smack their children, after a thumping referendum victory. But Prime Minister John Key says…
Anti-smacking side concede loss likely
http://www.stuff.co.nz/national/politics/2773068/Anti-smacking-side-concede-loss-likely Anti-smacking side concede loss likely By MICHAEL FOX – Stuff.co.nz HOT ISSUE: Larry Baldock with boxes of petitions in 2008. The petition, circulated nationwide, led to the referendum. Campaigners on both sides of the smacking debate believe a referendum result due out tonight will be a victory for those who opposed a controversial 2007…
Referendum 44% return so far – one week to go
Two press releases: The Kiwi Party Press Release The people are speaking!! Kiwi Party Leader and Referendum Petition organiser Larry Baldock said he was thrilled with the number of Kiwis making their voice heard in the referendum. The latest update from the Chief Electoral Office confirms that as at 5.00pm Thursday 13 August 1,330,900 votes…
The Debate; Bradford vs Baldock 13 August 9-10pm
The Debate; Bradford vs Baldock Thanks to everyone who sent an encouraging note re the ‘Open Letter to Sue’. That feedback was really appreciated. My apologies for any delay in getting replies out so far. Just a quick update on developments on the debate so far. Radio Waatea have organised a debate tonight (Thursday 13…
Open letter to Sue Bradford from Larry Baldock Referendum Petition Organiser
Open letter to Sue Bradford from Larry Baldock Referendum Petition Organiser 9 August, 2009 Sue, I watched the forum on Maori Television Friday night with you, Dr Hone Kaa and Bob McCoskrie. How I wished I was there to respond to the drivel you continue to repeat in defence of your anti-smacking law. “Adults can’t…
Referendum an investment in the economy and our future.
The Kiwi Party Press Release The TV One Colmar Brunton poll released today shows opposition to the anti-smacking law remains strong and consistent at 83%. Referendum Petition organiser Larry Baldock said the other result from the poll was that 3 out 4 New Zealanders felt the cost of the referendum was a waste of money…